Participating in Clinical Trials

Terms to Know

Terms Used in Clinical Trials


A protocol is the detailed study plan that will be followed to answer specific research questions and protect the trial participants. It describes

Inclusion or Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion or exclusion criteria are the set of social and medical characteristics researchers use to decide who can take part in a clinical trial. These may include


A placebo, sometimes called a sugar pill, is a substance that looks like the experimental drug but has no active ingredients. Researchers compare the effects of experimental treatments with placebos.

Standard Treatment

Standard treatment is a therapy that is

Side Effects

Side effects are unwanted or unexpected negative effects, such as a headache or skin irritation, caused by taking a drug or treatment. Adverse reactions are more serious side effects that can even be life threatening.

Treatment Group and Control Group

The treatment group gets the experimental treatment and the control group gets the standard treatment, a placebo, or no treatment at all. The results from the two groups are compared to determine the effectiveness of the experimental treatment.

Randomized Clinical Trial (RC)

A randomized clinical trial (RCT) is a study in which participants are randomly (that is, by chance) assigned to either the control group or the treatment group. Neither the researchers nor the participants can choose the group in which they are placed.

In a "double-blind" study, the researchers and participants won't know who has been placed into the treatment group until the study is over.

Double-blind Study

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