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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

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- A -

Action Research, and Gun Violence Prevention


Agroterrorism (from the NIJ Journal Article)

Aircraft, Types of Low Cost

Alternative Genetic Markers, Forensic DNA Research and Development

Antennas, Programmable

Anthropology, Forensic

Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Programs

Arrestees, Collection of DNA from

Arrests and Dual Arrests, Intimate Partner Violence

Arson and Fire Investigation

Arson, Scene Investigation Guide

Assistance, Technology

Automobiles and Traffic Safety, Mapping and Analysis Projects

Aviation Technology

- B -

Backlogs, DNA Evidence

Ballistic Resistance, see Body Armor

Batterer Intervention (See the NIJ Report Batterer Intervention: Where Do We Go From Here? and related workshop notes)


Body Armor

Bomb Suit Standard, NIJ Standard-0117.00

Bombing and Explosion Scene Investigation Guide

Boot Camps (Lessons From a Decade of Research, NIJ Research for Practice)

Bulletproof Vests, see Body Armor

- C -

Campus, Sexual Assault on

Cellular and Mobile Device Forensics Tools (see also Mobile Device Forensics Training)

Cellular Digital Packet Data, Migrating

Child Abuse and Maltreatment

CIRCLE Project, Evaluation of the Comprehensive Indian Resources for Community and Law Enforcement Project

Cognitive Radios

Cold Case, Solving with DNA

Communications Technologies 

Community Corrections

Community Policing (See NIJ Report "Fighting Crime with COPS & Citizens: A 4-Year Study of the COPS Program" and other publications on community policing)

Compromised DNA Evidence

Computer Crime, see Digital Evidence and Forensics 

Computer Forensics, see Digital Evidence and Forensics 

Conducted Energy Devices

Contraband Detection

Controlled Substance, Analyzing

Corrections, Technology

Corruption, International (See Transnational Organized Crime)

Courtroom, Digital Evidence in the


Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program

Crime Mapping, see Mapping and Analysis

Crime Prevention Research Working Group

Crime Scene Investigation 

Cybercrime, see Digital Evidence and Forensics

- D -

Data Carving and Search String Tools

Data Resources Program

Data Sharing, Law Enforcement (See Information-led Policing)

Data Loss, Preventing When Seizing Electronic Devices of Interest

Dating Violence, and Teens 

Death Investigation, Scene Investigation Guide

Delinquency, Prevention, (See also NIJ Research in Brief Toward Safe and Orderly Schools—The National Study of Delinquency Prevention in Schools)

Dentistry, Forensic (Odontology)

Digital Evidence and Forensics

Directed Police Patrols, to Prevent Gun Violence

Displacement (See Do Prevention and Deterrence Programs Displace Crime to Other Areas?)

DNA, Forensic

DNA, Collection from Arrestees

DNA, Compromised Evidence

DNA, Human DNA Quantitation
DNA, Miniaturization and Automation of Tools and Processes

DNA, Mitochondrial

DNA, Non-Human

DNA, Sperm Detection and Separation

DNA, Y Chromosome

Domestic Violence, see Intimate Partner Violence

Domestic Violence Courts

Drivers Licenses, Photo Sharing Among Agencies

Drugs and Crime

Drug Courts

Drug Detection, on Surfaces in Correctional Facilities

Drug Markets, see NIDA-NIJ Joint Initiative for Research on Retail Drug Markets (pdf, 2 pages) 

Drug Treatment, Medication Assisted

Drug Use Forecasting, see Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring Programs

Du Bois, W.E.B.,  Fellowship Program

- E -

Economic Distress and Intimate Partner Violence

Electro-muscular Disruption Technology, (See Conducted Energy Devices)

Electronic and Internet Crime

Electronic Monitoring

Elder Abuse 

Evaluations, Programs (See NIJ Journal article "Maximize Your Evaluation Dollars")

Evidence, Types of

Exonerations, see Postconviction, DNA Testing

Explosion and Bombing Scene Investigation Guide

Expert Systems (See NIJ Journal article "Expert Systems Help Labs Process DNA Samples")

Eyewitness Identification

- F -

Facial Recognition

Familicide, Murder-Suicide in Families

Family violence (See Child Abuse and MaltreatmentElder AbuseIntimate Partner ViolenceViolence Against Women & Family Violence)

Fatigue, Stress and Work Hours

Fellowship Programs

Fingerprints, Impression Evidence

Fingerprint Sourcebook

Fingerprint, Capture Technology

Fire and Arson Investigation

Fire Scene Investigation Guide

Firearms Violence

Firearms Violence Prevention

Firearms Violence, Publications 

Foreclosures, Using Geographic Information Systems to Assess Influence on Crime

Foreclosures, Mortgage Fraud and Neighborhood Decline Meeting

Forensic DNA

Forensics, Fundamental Research

Forensics Laboratories (DNA.gov)

Forensic Laboratories, Technology Transition Workshops

Forensic Sciences


- G -

Gangs and Organized Crime

Gateways, interoperability (See Interoperability Gateways/Interconnects)

Geographic Data Sources for Criminal Justice Analysis

Geospatial Tools

Grants (see Funding)

Grants Management System (GMS), Training and Technical Assistance

Grant Progress Assessments Program, for Laboratory Enhancement Awards

Grants.gov, Getting Started (Grants.gov)

Gun Violence

Gun Violence Prevention

Gun Violence, Publications 

- H -

Hate crime

Hot Spots Policing

Human trafficking

- I -

Identity Theft

Images, Automatic Human Image Detection

Impression Evidence

Indian Country (See Tribal Crime and Justice)

Indigent Defense (See National Symposium on Indigent Defense: Looking Back, Looking Forward, 2000-2010
 or Expert Working Group Report: International Perspectives on Indigent Defense, September 2011 [pdf, 58 pages])

Industries, Prison (See NIJ Journal article "Factories Behind Fences: Do Prison ‘Real Work’ Programs Work?

Information-led Policing

Information Systems and Technology (See Communication Technologies or Information-led Policing )

Integrity, Police

International Center

Internet and Electronic Crime

Interoperability, Communications

Intimate Partner Violence

- J -

Judicial Oversight in Domestic Violence Courts, Preventing Pretrial Abuse

Juvenile Justice, (See NIJ publications on juvenile justice or the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention)

- K -

Knives, Protection Against (see Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor [NIJ Standard-0115.00])

- L -

Labor Trafficking

Laboratory, Enhancement Funding

Law Enforcement

Legitimacy, Police

Less-lethal Technologies

Lineups, simultaneous vs. sequential

- M -

Macintosh Digital Forensic Tools (see also Macintosh Forensics Training)

Mapping and Analysis

Megan's Law, Evaluation of Sex Offender Registration and Notification Laws in New Jersey

Memory, Analyzing Live Memory

Mental Health Screens (NIJ Research for Practice)

Metadata Analysis and Extraction

Methamphetamine Abuse (from the NIJ Journal)

Missing Persons and Unidentified Remains

Mitochondrial DNA

Mobile and Cellular Device Forensics Tools (see also Mobile Device Forensics Training)

Monitoring, Electronic

Monitoring, Inmates

Mortgage Fraud, Foreclosures and Neighborhood Decline Meeting

Murder-Suicide in Families

- N -

Narrowbanding, Understanding FCC Requirements

National Clearinghouse on Science, Technology and Law Exit Notice

National Criminal Justice Reference Services

National Forensic Sciences Technology Center Exit Notice

National Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program

National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center  Exit Notice

Native Americans (See Tribal Crime and Justice)

Neighborhoods and Crime, Research Working Group Meeting Summary

Non-Human DNA

- O -

Odontology, Forensic

Officer Work Hours, Stress and Fatigue

Operation Ceasefire

Organized Crime, Transnational

Over-the-Air (OTA) Communications Improvements

- P -

Pathology, Forensic

Pattern Evidence

Peer-to-Peer Analysis, Evidence Analysis (see also Peer-to-Peer Network Forensics Training)

Phishing and Spoofing Tools

Policing, see Law Enforcement

Policing Research Platform — A Foundation for Policing Research

Postconviction DNA Testing

Postconviction, Recommendations for Handling Postconviction DNA Testing Requests

Postconviction, Funding for Testing

Predictive Policing

Pretrial Domestic Violence Abuse, Preventing

Prison Rape

Prisoner Reentry

Project Safe Neighborhoods

Property Crime

Property Crimes, and Forensic DNA

Property Rooms, Unanalyzed Evidence in Law Enforcement Custody


Pursuit Management

- Q -

Quality Assurance Standards, for Forensic Laboratories (DNA.gov)

Quality Documents, for Forensic Laboratories (DNA.gov)

Questioned Documents

- R -

Racial Profiling

Radios, Smart/Software Defined

Radio Spectrum

Radio, Voice Encryption

Rape and Sexual Violence

Rape Kits, See Solving the Problem of Untested Evidence in Sexual Assaults (from NIJ Journal)



Restorative Justice

Roadside Safety, Police

- S -

School Safety


Scientific Working Groups (SWGs), Forensic Standards Development

Search String and Data Carving Tools

Sedative, Less-Lethal Option (from the NIJ Journal)

Sentencing, Truth in (from the NIJ Journal)

Sex Offenders, Evaluation of Registration and Notification Laws (Megan's Law) in New Jersey

Sex Offender Residency Restrictions and Mapping

Sexual Assault on Campus

Sexual Assault Kits, See Solving the Problem of Untested Evidence in Sexual Assaults (from NIJ Journal)

Sexual Violence, and Rape

Shelters, for Domestic Violence Victims

Shift Work, 10-Hour Shifts Offer Cost Savings and Other Benefits to Law Enforcement Agencies

Sleep Disorders, and Law Enforcement Officers

Smart/Sofware-Defined Radios

Software, Databases and Apps

Software, Mapping and Analysis Research Projects

Software, Geospatial Tools

Solicitations (See Current FundingForthcoming Solicitations or Expired Solicitations)

Spatial Data Analysis

Specialized Courts

Sperm Detection and Separation

Spoofing and Phishing Tools

Stab, Resistance (See Body Armor and Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor [NIJ Standard-0115.00])


Stalking, Intimate Partners

Statistics — NIJ does not collect national or local crime statistics. See Bureau of Justice Statistics A-Z Topic List, Uniform Crime Reports (FBI), or National Incident-Based Reporting System Exit Notice

Standards and Testing Program

Standards, Active

Standards, Inactive

Steganography Detection

Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative (SACSI)

Stress, Fatigue and Work Hours

 (from the NIJ Journal)

Suicide Watch Technology

Surveillance, Video Surveillance Equipment Selection and Application Guide

Surveillance, Through-the-Wall (from the NIJ Journal)

- T -

Taser (See Conducted Energy Devices)

Technology Assistance

Technology; Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation Process

Technology, Working Groups

Technology Transition Workshops, Adopting New Technologies in Forensic Laboratories

Teen Dating Violence 

Telephony, and Voice over Internet Protocol


Through-the-Wall Surveillance

Toxicology, Forensic

Trace Evidence

Translational Criminology

Through-the-Wall Surveillance (from the NIJ Journal)

Traffic Safety, Using Geographic Information Systems to Analyze

Trafficking in persons (see Human Trafficking)


Transnational Organized Crime

Tribal Crime and Justice

- U -

Unidentified Remains and Missing Persons

Untested Evidence in Law Enforcement Custody

Use of Force (See also  Deciding When and How to Use Less-Lethal Devices)

- V -

Validation Information for Public DNA Laboratories

Vests, Bullet Resistant, see Body Armor

Victims and Victimization

Video Analytics

Visibility and Roadside Safety, Police

Violence Against Women

Violent Crime

Visiting Fellowship Program

Voice Encryption for Radios

Voice over Internet Protocol

- W -

W.E.B. Du Bois Fellowship Program

Weapons, Less-Lethal

Weapons, Detecting Concealed Weapons (from the NIJ Journal)

Windows Registry Decoder

Women, Violence Against

Wrongful Convictions

- X -

X-Ray Systems (See the NIJ Guide Portable X-Ray Systems for Use in Bomb Identification and the NIJ Journal article Detecting Concealed Weapons: Directions for the Future)

- Y -

Y Chromosome DNA

Youth gangs, firearms (See Youths, Gangs and Guns)

- # -


0101.06, NIJ Standard, Ballistic Resistance of Personal Body Armor (Replaces NIJ Standard 0101.04)

0112.03, NIJ Standard, Autoloading Pistols for Police Officers

0115.00, NIJ Standard, Stab Resistance of Personal Body Armor

0116.00, NIJ Standard, CBRN Protective Ensemble Standard for Law Enforcement

0117.00, NIJ Standard, Public Safety Bomb Suit

0601.01, NIJ Standard,Walk-Through Metal Detectors for Use in Concealed Weapon and Contraband Detection

0602.02, NIJ Standard, Hand-Held Metal Detectors for Use in Concealed Weapon and Contraband Detection

0603.01, NIJ Standard, Portable X-Ray Systems for Use in Bomb Identification

911, to Detect Terrorism Threats (See NIJ Journal article Using 911 Calls to Detect Terrorism Threats)

Date Modified: January 28, 2013