U.S.Department of Homeland Security

Software Assurance


Standard Life Cycle Processes View

This page correlates software assurance resources on this site and others with ISO/IEC 12207 and ISO/IEC 15288 life cycle processes. The life cycle processes are grouped by the functional categories Organization, Project, and Engineering.

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Software Assurance in the Life Cycle Processes of ISO/IEC 15288 and 12207

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Standard Life Cycle Processes View - Notes

With the exceptions explained below, the white boxes represent individual processes of ISO/IEC 15288, System Life Cycle Processes, and ISO/IEC 12207, Software Life Cycle Processes.

  • The items marked with a bullet are concerns of software assurance. They do not necessarily appear in 15288 or 12207 and have been binned into appropriate processes of 15288 and 12207.
  • 15288 and 12207 use slightly different names for their Technical Processes. The names in 12207 are software-specialized. In this chart, the 15288 names are used.
  • Verification and Validation are distinct processes in 15288 and 12207. In this chart they have been combined because the software assurance techniques used in both will be similar.
  • The terms Organization, Project, and Engineering are not used to group processes in 15288 and 12207. They are introduced here to indicate a hierarchy of interests.
  • The term Operations and Sustainment is not used in 15288 and 12207. It is introduced here to align with sponsor terminology.
  • Neither 15288 nor 12207 claims to provide a complete set of organization-level processes. The Governance processes on this chart are not based on 15288 or 12207.
  • The Risk Management process of 15288 and 12207 is suitable for all forms of risk management, including project risk, risk to operation, and enterprise level risk. On this chart a distinct enterprise process is shown so that different concerns can be highlighted.

Requirements Analysis

Attack modeling (misuse and abuse cases)

Sw security requirements

Requirements analysis/Risk-based derived requirements

Architectural Design

Secure Sw architectural design

Architectural design/Risk-based architectural analysis

Architectural design/Secure Sw detailed design and analysis



Verification & Validation
