
HHS.gov Verified account


News and info from U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services

Washington, D.C. · http://www.hhs.gov/

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  1. "The is already helping to slow the growth of healthcare costs.” -President Obama Learn more by visiting .

  2. Can you think of ways you can show you care by helping loved ones prepare for emergencies? Let us know using .

  3. Secretary Kathleen Sebelius offers tips for how you can help keep 1 million hearts beating strong!

  4. In two years, closing the “donut hole” has saved 6 million seniors more than $5.7 billion on prescription drugs:

  5. It’s simple math. The closing the “donut hole” = more savings for seniors to stay healthy.

  6. February is African American History Month. Learn about Health Disparities and the Initiative.

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