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Diet and Nutrition
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Why is nutrition important?
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Do I need a special diet?
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How do I keep from losing weight?
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Adding protein to your diet
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Adding calories to your diet
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How can I maintain my appetite?
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How much water do I need?
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Do I need supplements?
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Vitamins and minerals that affect the immune system
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What should I know about food safety?
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Can diet help ease side effects and symptoms?
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transparent imageNausea
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transparent imageMouth and swallowing problems
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transparent imageDiarrhea
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Points to remember
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Why is nutrition important?

Nutrition is important for everyone because food gives our bodies the nutrients they need to stay healthy, grow, and work properly. Foods are made up of 6 classes of nutrients, each with its own special role in the body:

transparent gifgrey bulletProtein builds muscles and a strong immune system.
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transparent gifgrey bulletCarbohydrates (including starches and sugars) give you energy.
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transparent gifgrey bulletFat gives you extra energy.
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transparent gifgrey bulletVitamins regulate body processes.
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transparent gifgrey bulletMinerals regulate body processes and also make up body tissues.
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transparent gifgrey bulletWater gives cells shape and acts as a medium where body processes can occur.
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Having good nutrition means eating the right types of foods in the right amounts so you get these important nutrients.

Do I need a special diet?

There are no special diets, or particular foods, that will boost your immune system. But there are things you can do to keep your immunity up.

If you are underweight--or you have advanced HIV disease, high viral loads, or opportunistic infections--you should include more protein and extra calories (in the form of carbohydrates and fats). You'll find tips for doing this in the next section.

If you are overweight, you should follow a well-balanced meal plan such as the ones presented on the U.S. government's Choose My Plate website ( overweight puts extra stress on your body and increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

How do I keep from losing weight?

Weight loss is a common problem for people infected with HIV, and it should be taken very seriously. Weight loss can be caused by HIV-related infections or conditions or by untreated HIV itself. Losing weight can be dangerous because it makes it harder for your body to fight infections and to get well after you're sick.

People with HIV often do not eat enough because:

transparent gifgrey bulletHIV and HIV medicines may reduce your appetite, make food taste bad, and prevent the body from absorbing food in the right way
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transparent gifgrey bulletSymptoms like a sore mouth, nausea, and vomiting make it difficult to eat
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transparent gifgrey bulletFatigue from HIV or the medicines may make it hard to prepare food and eat regularly
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To keep your weight up, you will need to take in more protein and calories. What follows are ways to do that.

Adding protein to your diet

Protein-rich foods include meats, fish, beans, dairy products, and nuts. To boost the protein in your meals:

transparent gifgrey bulletSpread nut butter on toast, crackers, fruit, or vegetables.
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transparent gifgrey bulletAdd cottage cheese to fruit and tomatoes.
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transparent gifgrey bulletAdd canned tuna to casseroles and salads.
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transparent gifgrey bulletAdd shredded cheese to sauces, soups, omelets, baked potatoes, and steamed vegetables.
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transparent gifgrey bulletEat yogurt on your cereal or fruit.
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transparent gifgrey bulletEat hard-boiled (hard-cooked) eggs. Use them in egg-salad sandwiches or slice and dice them for tossed salads.
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transparent gifgrey bulletAdd diced or chopped meats to soups, salads, and sauces.
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transparent gifgrey bulletAdd dried milk powder or egg white powder to foods (such as scrambled eggs, casseroles, and milkshakes).
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Adding calories to your diet

The best way to increase calories is to add carbohydrates and some extra fat to your meals.

Carbohydrates include both starches and simple sugars.

Starches are in:

transparent gifgrey bulletBreads, muffins, biscuits, crackers
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transparent gifgrey bulletOatmeal and cold cereals
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transparent gifgrey bulletPasta
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transparent gifgrey bulletPotatoes
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transparent gifgrey bulletRice
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Simple sugars are in:

transparent gifgrey bulletFresh or dried fruit (eg, raisins, dates, apricots, etc)
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transparent gifgrey bulletJelly, honey, and maple syrup added to cereal, pancakes, and waffles
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Fats are more concentrated sources of calories. Add moderate amounts of the following to your meals:

transparent gifgrey bulletButter, margarine, sour cream, cream cheese, peanut butter
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transparent gifgrey bulletGravy, sour cream, cream cheese, grated cheese
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transparent gifgrey bulletAvocados, olives, salad dressing
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How can I maintain my appetite?

When you become ill, you often lose your appetite. This can lead to weight loss, which can make it harder for your body to fight infection.

Here are some tips for increasing your appetite:

transparent gifgrey bulletTry a little exercise, such as walking or doing yoga. This can often stimulate your appetite and make you feel like eating more.
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transparent gifgrey bulletEat smaller meals more often. For instance, try to snack between meals.
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transparent gifgrey bulletEat whenever your appetite is good.
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transparent gifgrey bulletDo not drink too much right before or during meals. This can make you feel full.
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transparent gifgrey bulletAvoid carbonated (fizzy) drinks and foods such as cabbage, broccoli, and beans. These foods and drinks can create gas in your stomach and make you feel full and bloated.
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transparent gifgrey bulletEat with your family or friends.
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transparent gifgrey bullet Choose your favorite foods, and make meals as attractive to you as possible. Try to eat in a pleasant location.
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How much water do I need?

Drinking enough liquids is very important when you have HIV. Fluids transport the nutrients you need through your body.

Extra water can:

transparent gifgrey bulletReduce the side effects of medications
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transparent gifgrey bulletHelp flush out the medicines that have already been used by your body
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transparent gifgrey bulletHelp you avoid dehydration (fluid loss), dry mouth, and constipation
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transparent gifgrey bulletMake you feel less tired
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Many of us don't drink enough water every day. You should be getting at least 8-10 glasses of water (or other fluids, such as juices or soups) a day.

Here are some tips on getting the extra fluids you need:

transparent gifgrey bulletDrink more water than usual. Try other fluids, too, such as Gatorade.
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transparent gifgrey bulletAvoid alcohol.
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transparent gifgrey bulletBegin and end each day by drinking a glass of water.
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transparent gifgrey bulletSuck on ice cubes and popsicles.
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Note: If you have diarrhea or are vomiting, you will lose a lot of fluids and will need to drink more than usual.

For more information, see the Side Effects section.

Do I need supplements?

Our bodies need vitamins and minerals, in small amounts, to keep our cells working properly. They are essential to our staying healthy.

Even though vitamins and minerals are present in many foods, your health care provider may recommend a vitamin and mineral supplement (a pill or other form of concentrated vitamins and minerals). While vitamin and mineral supplements can be useful, they can in no way replace eating a healthy diet, which is the best source of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients your body needs. Large doses of vitamins and supplements are usually not necessary and, in fact, can be potentially toxic as well as expensive.

If you are taking a supplement, here are some things to remember:

transparent gifgrey bulletAlways take vitamin pills on a full stomach. Take them regularly.
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transparent gifgrey bulletSome vitamins and minerals, if taken in high doses, can be harmful. Talk with your health care provider before taking high doses of any supplement.
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transparent gifgrey bulletSome people experience nausea with multivitamins, even if taken on a full stomach.
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transparent gifgrey bulletIron-containing supplements can be constipating. Drink extra water and increase your fiber intake to help minimize constipation. If your provider has recommended iron-containing supplements and you cannot tolerate them, talk to your provider about other ways to increase the iron in your diet (see table below).
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The following is a table of some vitamins and minerals that affect the immune system.

Vitamins and minerals that affect the immune system
NameWhat It DoesWhere to Get ItAbout Supplements
Vitamin A and beta-caroteneKeeps skin, lungs, and stomach healthy.Liver, whole eggs, milk, dark green, yellow, orange, and red vegetables and fruit (such as spinach, pumpkin, green peppers, squash, carrots, papaya, and mangoes); also found in orange and yellow sweet potatoesIt's best to get vitamin A from food. Vitamin A supplements are toxic in high doses. Supplements of beta-carotene (the form of vitamin A in fruits and vegetables) have been shown to increase cancer risk in smokers.
Vitamin B-group (B1, B2, B6, B12, Folate) Keeps the immune and nervous systems healthy.White beans, potatoes, meat, fish, chicken, watermelon, grains, nuts, avocados, broccoli, and green leafy vegetablesOften leads to prominent yellow color of urine when taken as a supplement.
Vitamin C Helps protect the body from infection and aids in recovery. Citrus fruits (such as oranges, grapefruit, and lemons), tomatoes, and potatoes
Vitamin E Protects cells and helps fight off infection. Green leafy vegetables, vegetable oils, and peanutsLimit to 400 IU per day.
Iron Not having enough iron can cause anemia. Green leafy vegetables, whole grain breads and pastas, dried fruit, beans, red meat, chicken, liver, fish, and eggsLimit to 45 mg per day unless otherwise instructed by your doctor. Iron may be a problem for people with HIV because it can increase the activity of some bacteria. Iron supplements can be constipating. Supplements that do not contain iron may be better tolerated. Ask your doctor.
Selenium Important for the immune system. Whole grains, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, peanut butter, and nutsLimit to 400 mcg per day.
Zinc Important for the immune system. Meat, fish, poultry, beans, peanuts, and milk and dairy productsLimit to 40 mg per day.
Source: Adapted from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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What should I know about food safety?

Paying attention to food and water safety is important when you have HIV, because your immune system is already weakened and working hard to fight off infections.

If food is not handled or prepared in a safe way, germs from the food can be passed on to you. These germs can make you sick.

You need to handle and cook food properly to keep those germs from getting to you.

Here are some food safety guidelines:

transparent gifgrey bulletKeep everything clean! Clean your counters and utensils often.
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transparent gifgrey bulletWash your hands with soap and warm water before and after preparing and eating food.
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transparent gifgrey bulletCheck expiration dates on food packaging. Do not eat a product if its expiration date has passed.
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transparent gifgrey bulletRinse all fresh fruits and vegetables with clean water before eating.
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transparent gifgrey bulletThaw frozen meats and other frozen foods in the refrigerator or in a microwave. Never thaw foods at room temperature. Germs that grow at room temperature can make you very sick.
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transparent gifgrey bulletClean all cutting boards and knives (especially those that touch chicken and meat) with soap and hot water before using them again.
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transparent gifgrey bulletMake sure you cook all meat, fish, and poultry "well-done." You might want to buy a meat thermometer to help you know for sure that the meat is fully cooked. Put the thermometer in the thickest part of the meat, not touching a bone. Cook the meat until it reaches 165-212 degrees F. on the thermometer.
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transparent gifgrey bulletDo not eat raw, soft-boiled, or "over easy" eggs, or Caesar salads with raw egg in the dressing. This includes eating uncooked cookie dough or cake batter that contains uncooked eggs.
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transparent gifgrey bulletDo not eat sushi, raw seafood, or raw meats, or unpasteurized milk or dairy products.
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transparent gifgrey bulletKeep your refrigerator cold, set no higher than 40 degrees F. Your freezer should be at 0 degrees.
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transparent gifgrey bulletRefrigerate leftovers at temperatures below 40 degrees F. Do not eat leftovers that have been sitting in the refrigerator for more than 3 days.
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transparent gifgrey bulletKeep hot items heated to over 140 degrees F, and completely reheat leftovers before eating.
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transparent gifgrey bulletThrow away any foods (like fruit, vegetables, and cheese) that you think might be old. If food has a moldy or rotten spot, throw it out. When in doubt, throw it out.
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transparent gifgrey bulletSome germs and parasites are spread through tap water. If your public water supply isn't totally pure and you have advanced HIV, it may be advisable to drink bottled or filtered water until your immune system gets stronger.
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Can diet help ease side effects and symptoms?

Many symptoms of HIV, as well as the side effects caused by HIV medicines, can be alleviated by using (or avoiding) certain types of foods and drinks.

Below are some tips for dealing with common problems facing people living with HIV. You should also look in the Side Effects section for more information.


transparent gifgrey bulletTry the BRATT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, tea, and toast).
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transparent gifgrey bulletTry some ginger--in tea, ginger ale, or ginger snaps.
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transparent gifgrey bulletDon't drink liquids at the same time you eat your meals.
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transparent gifgrey bulletEat something small, such as crackers, before getting out of bed.
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transparent gifgrey bulletKeep something in your stomach; eat a small snack every 1-2 hours.
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Discuss with your care provider how best to take your medications to avoid nausea--some HIV medicines (for example, protease inhibitors) should be taken on a full stomach, whereas others (for example, efavirenz) should be taken on empty stomach.

transparent gifgrey bulletAvoid foods such as the following:
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grey bulletFatty, greasy, or fried foods
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grey bulletVery sweet foods (candy, cookies, or cake)
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grey bulletSpicy foods
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grey bulletFoods with strong odors
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Mouth and swallowing problems

transparent gifgrey bulletAvoid hard or crunchy foods such as raw vegetables.
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transparent gifgrey bulletTry eating cooked vegetables and soft fruits (such as bananas and pears).
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transparent gifgrey bulletAvoid very hot foods and beverages. Cold and room temperature foods will be more comfortable to your mouth.
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transparent gifgrey bulletDo not eat spicy foods. They can sting your mouth.
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transparent gifgrey bulletTry soft foods such as mashed potatoes, yogurt, and oatmeal.
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transparent gifgrey bulletAlso try scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, macaroni and cheese, and canned fruits.
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transparent gifgrey bulletRinse your mouth with water. This can moisten your mouth, remove bits of food, and make food taste better to you.
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transparent gifgrey bulletStay away from oranges, grapefruit, and tomatoes. They have a lot of acid and can sting your mouth.
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transparent gifgrey bulletTry the BRATT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, tea, and toast).
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transparent gifgrey bulletKeep your body's fluids up (hydrated) with water, Gatorade, or other liquids
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transparent gifgrey bulletLimit sodas and other sugary drinks.
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transparent gifgrey bulletAvoid greasy and spicy foods. High-fat foods can make diarrhea worse in some situations.
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transparent gifgrey bulletAvoid milk and other dairy products.
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transparent gifgrey bulletEat small meals and snacks every hour or two.
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transparent gifgrey bulletTalk to your provider about medicines you are taking that may cause diarrhea and how to minimize this--for example, taking protease inhibitors with food may reduce medication-associated diarrhea.
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Points to remember

You may feel that many things are out of your control if you have HIV. But you can control what you eat and drink, and how much. Good nutrition is an important part of your plan to stay well.

transparent gifgrey bulletEating right can make your body and your immune system stronger.
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transparent gifgrey bulletWhen you are HIV-positive, you may need to eat more. Be sure to eat a diet that is high in proteins and calories.
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transparent gifgrey bulletExercise can stimulate your appetite and make you feel like eating more.
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transparent gifgrey bulletDrink plenty of liquids to help your body deal with any medications you are taking. If you are vomiting or have diarrhea, you will need to drink more than usual.
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transparent gifgrey bulletPractice food safety. Keep your kitchen clean, wash foods, and be careful about food preparation and storage. If your tap water isn't pure, drink bottled water.
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transparent gifgrey bulletYou can use certain foods and beverages to help you deal with symptoms and side effects.
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transparent gifgrey bulletBefore taking vitamin and mineral supplements, check with your health care provider.
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Remember, there is no one "right" way to eat. Eating well means getting the right amount of nutrients for your particular needs. Your doctor can usually refer you to a dietitian or nutritionist who can help design a good diet for you.

For general guidelines on good nutrition, you can visit the U.S. government's Choose My Plate website (


transparent gifgrey bulletU.S. Government's Choose My Plate guide
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transparent gifgrey bulletHealth Care and HIV: Nutritional Guide for Providers and Clients
Source: HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau
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transparent gifgrey bulletHIV/AIDS: A Guide for Nutritional Care and Support 2004
Source: Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA) Project
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transparent gifgrey bulletLiving well with HIV/AIDS: A manual on nutritional care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
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transparent gifgrey bullet Nutrition and HIV: New Model for Treatment
Source: by Mary Romeyn, MD, book published by Jossey-Bass, Inc. Order from Amazon at
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transparent gifgrey bulletTaking Control of Home Food Safety
Source: Project Inform
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transparent gifgrey bulletVitamins and Minerals Factsheet
Source: AIDS InfoNet
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