DoD InspectorGeneral

DoD InspectorGeneral


DoD IG provides independent, relevant & timely oversight of that promotes accountability, integrity & efficiency.

Alexandria, Virginia ·


  1. In FY12, DoD IG activity resulted in a $6.5 billion return to the govt, which is ~$4.1 million per DoD IG employee

  2. Our Intelligence & Spec. Program Assessments office oversees the intel community, special access programs, and security issues within

  3. Our mission is to provide independent, relevant and timely oversight of the Department of Defense that informs the public.

  4. DoD IG focuses its efforts on detecting and preventing fraud, waste and abuse, while improving efficiency and effectiveness.

  5. LATEST BLOG: DOD Inspector General finds USAF F-22 crash report conclusions not supported by the facts

  6. Maryland National Guard program for local youth lost over $107K to fraud by government purchase card holder

  7. Our mission is to provide independent, relevant & timely oversight of the DoD that advises the secretary of defense & Congress.

  8. We found USAF Aircraft Accident Investigation Board’s statement of opinion regarding F-22 mishap not supported by facts in accident report.

  9. The Contractor Disclosure Program provides a means for contractors to report fraud or corruption

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