For Voting Assistance Officers

Voting Assistance Officers (VAOs) ensure that citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act understand their voting rights and how to register and vote absentee and provide accurate non-partisan voting information and assistance. VAOs may be members of the Uniformed Services, civilians, or members of overseas U.S. citizen organizations.

Are you a new VAO? Don’t worry, it is very manageable and won’t take too much time. Everything you will need can be found in this section of the website.  Highlights are seen below:

VAO training. You are required to complete training within 90 days being officially assigned.

Voting alerts. Our office will send you pertinent information about elections, release of workshop schedules, events, etc.

Forms. VAO are required to provide sufficient registration and ballot request materials to support all elections. Electronic forms are the most cost effective way to assist your members.

Continuity Folders. If your predecessor did not leave you a continuity folder, create one early. This folder can be electronic or hard copy and will serve as your VAO reference guide. If you’re preparing for an inspection, everything you need is available in the FVAP online continuity folder.

Last updated: 01.14.2013