Dance Instruction Manuals


The following bibliography is a starting place for further reading on many of the topics discussed in the text. Readers may go directly to any of the following headings.

Burgundian Dance in the Late Middle Ages
Renaissance Dance
Transition from Renaissance Dance to Baroque Dance
Baroque Dance
Nineteeth-Century Social Dance
Ragtime Dance
Antidance Treatises

Most of the sources are in English; for non-English references, please review the bibliographies attached to the recommended articles found in the International Encyclopedia of Dance.

Burgundian Dance in the Late Middle Ages

Brainard, Ingrid. The Art of Courtly Dancing in the Early Renaissance. West Newton, Mass., 1981.

Brainard, Ingrid. "Dance §III: Middle Ages and early Renaissance." In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London, 1980.

Brainard, Ingrid. "Bassedanse," "Medieval Dance," "Renaissance Dance Technique," and "Révérence: Origins of Modes and Manners." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Smith, William, trans. and ed. Fifteenth-Century Dance and Music: The Complete Transcribed Italian Treatises and Collections in the Tradition of Domenico da Piacenza. 2 vols. Stuyvesant, N.Y., 1995.

Wilson, David R. The Steps Used in Court Dance in Fifteenth-Century Italy. Cambridge, 1992.

For information on important early Renaissance dancing masters, see:

Arena, Antonius de. Ad suos compagnones studiantes. Lyon, 1528. Translated by John Guthrie and Marino Zorzi in "Rules of Dancing by Antonius Arena." Dance Research 4 (Autumn 1986):3-53

Brainard, Ingrid. "Arena, Antonius de," "Cornazano, Antonio," "Dancing Master," "Domenico da Piacenza," and "Guglielmo Ebreo da Pesaro." In International Encyclopedia of Dance, New York, 1998.

Sparti, Barbara, Ed. Guglielmo Ebreo of Pesaro: On the Practice or Art of Dancing. Oxford, 1993. Original Italian text with English translation of a mid-fifteenth-century manual, De Pratica Seu Arte Tripudii.

Sutton, Julia. "Saltarello." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

For information on music for dance in the early Renaissance, see:

Brainard, Ingrid. "Music for Dance: Western Music before 1520." In The International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Crane, Frederick. Materials for the Study of the Fifteenth-Century Basse Danse. Brooklyn, 1968.

Lockwood, Lewis. "Renaissance." In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London, 1980.

Renaissance Dance

Arbeau, Thoinot. Orchesography (1589). Translated into English by Mary Stewart Evans, New York, 1948. Reprint with corrections, a new introduction, and notes by Julia Sutton, and representative steps and dances in Labanotation by Mireille Backer. New York, 1987.

Brainard, Ingrid. "Renaissance Dance Technique," "Révérence: Origins of Modes and Manners," and "Sarabande." In International Encyclopedia of Dance, New York, 1998.

Caroso, Fabritio. Nobiltà di dame. Venice, 1600, 1605. Translated into English with eight introductory chapters by Julia Sutton, Oxford, 1986. Reprint with a step manual in Labanotation by Rachelle Palnick Tsachor and Julia Sutton, New York, 1995.

Marsh, Carol. "Gavotte." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Negri, Cesare. Le gratie d'amore (1602). Translated by Yvonne Kendall. Ph.D. diss., Stanford University, 1985.

Sutton, Julia. "Dance §IV: Late Renaissance and Baroque to 1700." In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, London, 1980.

Sutton, Julia. "Allemande," "Alta," "Ballo and Balletto," "Branle," "Canary," "Cascarda," "Galliard," "Passo e Mezzo," "Pavan," "Pavaniglia," "Spangnoletta," "Tordion," and "Volta." In International Encyclopedia of Dance, New York, 1998.

For information on late Renaissance dancing masters, see

Grillo, Elena. "Diobono, Pompeo." In International Encyclopedia of Dance, New York, 1998.

Sutton, Julia. "Arbeau, Thoinot," "Caroso, Fabritio," and "Negri, Cesare." In International Encyclopedia of Dance, New York, 1998.

For information on late Renaissance music for dance, see

Lockwood, Lewis. "Renaissance." In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London, 1980.

Jones, Pamela. "The Relation between Music and Dance in Cesare Negri's ëLe gratie d'amore' (1602)," 2 vols. Ph.D. diss., University of London, 1988.

Sutton, Julia. "Music for Dance: Western Music, 1520-1650." In International Encyclopedia of Dance, New York, 1998.

Transition from Renaissance Dance to Baroque Dance

Brainard, Ingrid. "Longways." In International Encyclopedia of Dance, New York, 1998.

Lauze, F[rançoise] de. Apologie de la danse, 1623: A Treatise of Instruction in Dancing and Deportment. Translated by Joan Wildeblood, London, 1952.

Pugliese, Patri J. "Country Dance." In International Encyclopedia of Dance, New York,


Shimer, Genevieve. "Playford, John." In International Encyclopedia of Dance, New York, 1998.

Baroque Dance

Bindig, Susan F. "Gigue." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Brainard, Ingrid. "Annual Collections," "Sarabande," "Social Dance: Court and Social Dance before 1800," and "Technical Manuals: Publications, 1445-1725." In International Encyclopedia of Dance, New York, 1998.

Hilton, Wendy. Dance of Court and Theatre: The French Noble Style, 1690-1725, Princeton, 1981.

Hilton, Wendy. Dance and Music of Court and Theater: Selected Writings of Wendy Hilton. Stuyvesant, N.Y., 1997.

Hilton, Wendy. "Ballet Technique, History of: French Court Dance," "Courante," "Loure," "Minuet," and "Révérence: Early Eighteenth-Century Modes." In International Encyclopedia of Dance, New York, 1998.

Harris-Warrick, Rebecca, and Carol G. Marsh. Musical Theatre at the Court of Louis XIV: Le Mariage de la Grosse Cathos. Cambridge, 1994.

Little, Meredith Ellis. "Bourrée" and "Rigaudon." In International Encyclopedia of Dance, New York, 1998.

Marsh, Carol G. "Gavotte." In International Encyclopedia of Dance, New York, 1998.

Tomlinson, Kellom. A Work Book by Kellom Tomlinson: Commonplace Book of an Eighteenth-Century Dancing Master. Edited by Jennifer Shennan, Stuyvesant, N.Y., 1992.

For information on important Baroque dancing masters:

Astier, Régine. "Beauchamps, Pierre," "Feuillet Notation," "Guillaume-Louis Pecourt," and "Pierre Rameau." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Brainard, Ingrid. "Dancing Masters." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Ralph, Richard. The Life and Works of John Weaver. London, 1985.

Ralph, Richard. "Weaver, John." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Ralph, Richard and Jennifer Thorp. "Tomlinson, Kellom." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Ralph, Richard and Moira Goff. "Essex, John." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Nineteenth-Century Social Dance

Aldrich, Elizabeth. From the Ballroom to Hell: Grace and Folly in Nineteenth-Century Dance. Evanston, Ill., 1991.

Aldrich, Elizabeth. "Révérence: Nineteenth-Century Modes." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Brainard, Ingrid. "Figure Dances." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Gottschild, Brenda Dixon. "Cakewalk." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Morrison, James. "Reel." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Pugliese, Patri J. "Country Dance." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Schneider, Gretchen. "Ball" and "Social Dance: Nineteenth-Century Social Dance." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Strobel, Desmond F. "Cotillon," "Polka" and "Quadrille." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 19998.

For information on music:

Carner, Mosco, and Max Schönherr. "Strauss." In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London, 1980.

Goodwin, Noël. "Dance §6, part 2: Nineteenth Century, Social Dance." In The New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians. London, 1980.

Lamb, Andrew. "Strauss Family." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Ragtime Dance

Emery, Lynne Fauley. Black Dance in the United States from 1619 to 1970. Palo Alto, Calif., 1972. Rev. ed. Princeton, 1988.

Fanger, Iris. "Castle, Irene and Vernon." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Gottschild, Brenda Dixon. "Cakewalk." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Hazzard-Gordon, Katrina. Jookin': The Rise of Social Dance Formations in African-American Culture. Philadelphia, 1990.

McDonagh, Don. "Social Dance: Twentieth-Century Social Dance before 1960." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Stearns, Marshall, and Jean Stearns. Jazz Dance (1968). New York, 1994.

For information on Ragtime music:

Bolcolm, William. "Ragtime." In The New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians, New York, 1981.

Lamb, Andrew. "Dance: §VII, Social Dance." In The New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians, London, 1980.

Morath, Max, ed. Guide to Ragtime: a Collection of Ragtime Songs and Piano Solos. New York, 1964

Southern, Eileen. The Music of Black Americans. New York, 1971.

Antidance Treatises

Adams, Doug, and Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, eds. Dance as Religious Studies. New York, 1990.

Brooks, Lynn Matluck. "Christianity and Dance: Medieval Views." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1988.

Davies, J.G. Liturgical Dance: An Historical, Theological, and Practical Handbook. London, 1984.

Davies, J.G. "Christianity and Dance: Early Christian Views." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Gruber, Mayer I. "Bible, Dance in the." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1998.

Jonas, Gerald. "The Power of Dance." In Dancing. New York, 1992.

Wagner, Ann. Adversaries of Dance: From the Puritans to the Present. Champaign, Ill., 1997.

Wagner, Ann. "Christianity and Dance: Modern Views." In International Encyclopedia of Dance. New York, 1988.

Dance Instruction Manuals