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Logos and Widgets

Share our widgets with others interested in the history of strengthening families and protecting children.

Children's Bureau Centennial Widgets

  • Children’s Bureau serves children and families for 100 years
    Copy This Code for the Children's Bureau Centennial Widget:
    <iframe src="" name="cbCentframe" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="148" width="auto" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" align="left" title="CB Centennial widget">Children&rsquo;s Bureau serves children and families for 100 years</iframe>

Children's Bureau Centennial Logos

To download our logos for use in linking to the Children’s Bureau centennial website, right-click your mouse, and choose "Save Target As" or "Save Picture As." Then find the location on your computer where you want the logo to be downloaded.

  • Children's Bureau Centennial Tagline
  • Children's Bureau Centennial Horizontal Tagline

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