Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)?
  2. What is the difference between complementary medicine and alternative medicine?
  3. What is integrative medicine?
  4. What are some categories of CAM practices?
  5. What are natural products?
  6. What are manipulative and body-based practices?
  7. What is mind-body medicine?
  8. What are some examples of CAM whole medical systems?
  9. What is traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM?
  10. What is Ayurvedic medicine?
  11. What is homeopathic medicine?
  12. What is naturopathic medicine?
  13. What are some other CAM practices?
  14. What kind of CAM research does the National Institutes of Health (NIH) fund?
  15. What are some examples of NIH-sponsored studies of CAM therapies for heart disease?
  16. What are some examples of NIH-sponsored studies of CAM therapies for cancer?
  17. What are some examples of NIH-sponsored studies of CAM therapies for arthritis?
  18. What are some examples of NIH-sponsored studies of CAM therapies for Alzheimer's disease?
  19. If I'm interested in learning about a CAM therapy, what type of information should I look for?
  20. How can I get scientific information about a CAM therapy?
  21. What should I know if I am considering or using dietary supplements?
  22. What tips should I keep in mind about CAM therapies provided by a practitioner?
  23. Does insurance cover CAM therapies?
  24. Why is it important to tell my health care providers about my use of CAM?
  25. What information about my use of CAM and standard therapies should I discuss with my health care providers?
  26. Are there special circumstances when it is especially important to speak with a health care provider about CAM use?
  27. How can I get information about CAM from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)?

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