Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs

Designee for the State of Hawaii

Project Components

State Broadband Capacity Building:

This funding will support a broadband capacity building planning committee to augment the data findings and infrastructure analysis detailed in the broadband plan developed in the first year of the project. The committee will monitor: (1) Broadband developments in other states and nations; (2) Best practices involving telework and affordable broadband pricing within Hawaii; (3) Broadband activities at the federal level; and (4) Regulation and policy developments. The committee will advise and assist other agencies, prioritize implementation, and recommend programs to establish affordable service to unserved and underserved communities. Also the Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs will establish a working group to develop a report by January 1, 2011 regarding procedures to promote flexible, timely and responsible access to public rights-of-way and other permitting functions.

Technical Assistance:

This funding will support the creation of a Technical Assistance Committee, which will serve as a public-private organization assisted by the University of Hawaii and the Pacific Disaster Center. The Committee’s establishment follows the recommendation of the final report of the Hawaii Broadband Task Force. The committee will support local technology planning teams to coordinate resources, planning efforts, promote broadband awareness and adoption, provide technical expertise to local institutions, non-profits and governments, and develop or sustain deployment and adoption related initiatives. The committee will negotiate discounts with equipment manufacturers to support computer access by underserved Hawaii residents.

Data Collection, Integration, and Validation:

This project was originally funded for broadband planning activities and two years of data collection. In September of 2010, this project was amended to extend data collection activities for an additional three years and to identify and implement best practices.

Note: Project description is based on information supplied by the applicant. For more information, please visit State Broadband Data and Development Program
Original Award: 
Supplemental Funding: 
Total Award: 
Data Submissions
Reports and Documents
Award Documents

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