The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the largest nationally representative assessment of what our nation's students know and can do.

Washington DC ·


  1. is off to Boston for the 2013! Stop by booth 800 in the exhibit hall to learn about our interactive science assessment.

  2. RT & spread the word! The 2011 Mega-States results will be released 2/21. Register for the live webinar:

  3. Everyone has the HOTs for ! Check out the award-winning Science hands-on tasks (HOTs) assessment video:

  4. Happy Groundhog Day! We may get an early spring so try this science task re freezing water before winter ends!

  5. Happy Black History Month! 68% of 12th-graders correctly answered this question re the Harlem Renaissance.

  6. It’s American Heart Month! 63% of 8th-graders correctly answered this question about changing heart rates:

  7. National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) makes the case for why participation in NAEP 2013 is important

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