Sexual Abuse Prevention & Reporting

All inmates have the right to be safe from sexually abusive behavior.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons has a zero tolerance policy against sexual abuse and is committed to respecting and protecting the rights of its incarcerated population. An incarcerated individual has the right against being pressured by anyone to engage in sexual acts and does not have to tolerate sexually abusive behavior or pressure to engage in unwanted sexual behavior from another inmate or staff member. Regardless of the inmate's age, size, race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, he/she has the right to be safe from sexually abusive behavior.

Inmates are encouraged to immediately report allegations of sexually abusive behavior to a staff member they trust, the Office of Inspector General, or via the Administrative Remedy process. All allegations, including third-party reports, are confidential and will be thoroughly investigated. Third-party allegations on behalf of an inmate can be initiated by contacting the local institution's PREA Compliance Manager, or by writing to one of the following addresses, depending on the type of allegation:

To report allegations of
inmate abuse of other inmates:

To report allegations of
staff abuse of inmates:

Federal Bureau of Prisons
National PREA Coordinator
Correctional Programs Division
320 First St. NW, Room 554
Washington, DC 20534

Federal Bureau of Prisons
Office of Internal Affairs
320 First St. NW, Room 600
Washington, DC 20534

In order for an investigation to be initiated, you must provide the name(s) of staff against whom you are lodging a complaint, as well as facts about the incident (e.g., what happened, dates, times, locations, staff names, inmate names, if others are involved, and their identifying information, etc.). This will greatly assist in formally addressing/investigating the concerns.

Related Policy:

P5324.09 Sexually Abusive Behavior Prevention and Intervention Program


Natl PREA Resource Center