Indian Affairs | OCFO

Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)

The office is headed by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) who serves as the principal financial management advisor to the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs and other senior Indian Affairs officials. The CFO is the primary conduit to the Department’s financial management community.  The CFO also serves as head of the contracting activity, the senior Indian Affairs acquisition official, the audit liaison officer, and the management control coordinator for Indian Affairs.  The OCFO interfaces with appropriate Congressional staff on budget issues and is responsible for budget formulation and execution; financial management, including loan and construction accounting; power and irrigation billings and collections; acquisitions and grants; and property and space management activities.  The OCFO also manages and monitors the Activity Based Costing/Management program for Indian Affairs.  The OCFO prepares Indian Affairs financial statements and is the primary liaison with the Department’s Office of Inspector General. The OCFO ensures financial management is consistent with requirements of the Chief Financial Officers Act, Government Performance and Results Act, Office of Management and Budget guidance, Department of the Treasury, General Accounting Office, and Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board.