The National Prevention Week 2012 "Prevention Pledge"

National Prevention Week: I Am the OneVisit SAMHSA’s Facebook page to take the "Prevention Pledge," and make a difference in your community! By taking the National Prevention Week "Prevention Pledge," you can commit to a healthy lifestyle free of substance abuse and then share your promise with friends, family, and loved ones to help raise awareness.

You can also discuss your commitment to preventing substance abuse and promoting mental, emotional, and behavioral well-being by joining the NPW Discussion! There, you can also discuss upcoming National Prevention Week 2012 events in your community!

Everyone can play a role in prevention. Small actions can make a big difference! You can help prevent substance abuse and promote mental health in your own life and the lives of those in your community by participating in the "Prevention Pledge" and taking one or more of the following actions:

  • Talk to others about the prevention of substance use and the promotion of mental, emotional and behavioral well-being.
  • Attend a National Prevention Week 2012 event.
  • Host a drug- and alcohol-free party or event.
  • Learn about and support suicide prevention programs such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK [8255]) and the Trevor Project exit disclaimer small icon.
  • Encourage my children, friends and/or family members to improve their mental, emotional, and behavioral health by promoting rest, a healthy diet, physical exercise, and time outdoors.
  • Point loved ones in the direction of resources that can help them improve their mental, emotional and behavioral well-being.
  • Talk with a friend or loved one who has been having a difficult time and discuss things that are bothering him/her.
  • Be a role model in my community by abstaining from alcohol abuse and illicit drug use.
  • Volunteer with a community program or organization that provides support for at-risk populations such as youth, Tribal communities, and military families.
  • Encourage my local school district to implement an alcohol and substance use prevention program and provide programs to promote students’ mental health.
  • Spread the prevention message online by posting about and linking to National Prevention Week 2012 on my Facebook and Twitter pages, and on my blog or Web site.
  • Encourage friends, family, neighbors, and loved ones to sign the Prevention Pledge!
Print and share the National Prevention Week "Prevention Pledge (PDF, 464KB)" with your friends, family, and neighbors. Encourage others to take the "Prevention Pledge" and join you in your commitment to a healthy lifestyle.
Obtenga el "Compromiso con la Prevención" en español aquí (PDF, 332 KB). Comprométase a cumplir con una o más de las acciones establecidas en el Compromiso. Así, ayudará a prevenir el abuso de sustancias y a promover la salud mental, emocional, y conductual en su propia vida y en su comunidad. ¡Imprima y comparta el Compromiso con amigos, familiares, y vecinos!
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