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It's 2013. What's on your horizon?

The new year is upon us, and the R2R team has been busy tweaking our goals, revising our objectives, and brainstorming new strategies for 2013. No doubt many of you are doing the same thing.  While this can be a tedious process - Is that objective SMART enough?! - it gives us the chance to evaluate the progress we've made and focus on improving the R2R experience.

With this in mind, I'd like to share what the R2R team is most looking forward to in 2013...

  • New friends! We've really enjoyed meeting new people and getting to know our community members over the past year. We have learned so much from all of our cyber-seminar presenters, featured partners, guest discussants, R2R mentors and mentees, and those of you who chimed in to share your experiences. We're looking forward to seeing new faces and building new partnerships this year.
  • New content. The R2R cyber-seminar series are back in action this month (have you registered yet?) with a line-up of great presenters and topics. Coalition Corner will continue to post tips and tools on their regular segment and we'll introduce you to new featured partners and Research-tested Intervention Programs (RTIPs). We hope that you will continue to fill us (and other R2R members) in on all the cool things you're doing in your community.
  • New ways to share. We realize everyone shares and interacts in different ways, so we're bringing you new features to do just that!  Stay tuned for a new release that will include the addition of a "liking" feature and all of the popular sharing buttons.

We invite you to grow and improve with us by resolving to share your valuable resources, tools, and insights with the R2R community.  Let's set if off right now!  What are your research or programmatic goals for the coming year? What are you most looking forward to in 2013? Let's do this...together!

2013 - Let's do this.

We are excited about the recent changes to RTIPs (within the last few months) and the forthcoming changes pending for 2013. 

With regard to the recent changes, we are excited about the crosswalk to R2R which gives our RTIPs PIs additional opportunities to share their programs (and research in general) and engage in discussions with the larger community.  Additionally, we are excited about the new RE-AIM notepad, which allows for a more interactive experience on the RTIPs side.  Future changes to RTIPs will include more user interaction and increased collaboration with R2R.

We’re always looking for ways to improve our tools, resources, and have the most recent evidence synthesis on topics available on Cancer Control P.L.A.N.E.T. We’re seeing exciting new research findings from evidence reviews in the area of cancer survivorship. This year, we’re planning on reviewing the literature and updating our list of evidence reviews and meta-analyses on our Survivorship page.  We will also use this process to help identify new intervention programs to invite for submission to the Research-tested Intervention Programs website.  In the meantime, are there any recent systematic reviews on cancer survivorship that you have read and would like to share?

As a member of the  Implementation Science team in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences here at NCI I am working on a number of interesting projects in 2013.  My number one priority is completing my dissertation which focuses on issues related developing and sustaining government-sponsored virtual communities that help move research into practice.  The lessons learned from my dissertation will be directly related to Research to Reality and any other communities that we may decide to develop. 

One of the other key projects I'm working on is related to two of the primary goals for the Implementation Science team:  1) the development of ongoing training networks and 2) develooping robust partnerships. One activity that supports both of these goals is the work we are doing for the 2013 Training Institute on Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (TIDIRH).   TIDIRH is a collaboration between multiple institutes and centers within NIH, the Veterans Affairs Administration and WAshington University in Saint Louis, MO.  The institue is a week-long course tdesigned o provide participants with a thorough grounding in conducting dissemination and implementation research in health.  Applications are due on February 22nd and the institute will be held the first week in June.

I am looking forward to the inclusion and active recruitment of international interventions on the RTIPs website.  For almost 10 years, RTIPs has been a dynamic resource for domestic intervention programs which target a variety of populations, settings, and topic areas. 

This year, the RTIPs team will welcome international interventions, provided that they meet the established RTIPs criteria and have product materials which "include English and can be disseminated in a U.S. community or clinical setting." 

I look forward to this expansion and the continual advancement of RTIPs and collaboration with R2R.

Coalition Corner - written by Strategic Health Concepts (Karin Hohman and Leslie Given) is excited to start another year of discussions that address CCC coalition challenges, successes and tips for "getting it done".  We'll be asking R2R members what they want to hear about, what they struggle with the most in their coalition's cancer control efforts, and what is working that they'd like to share with others.  Happy 2013!  See you in the Coalition Corner!

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