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This will be an evolving process and we’re still figuring things out, but feel free to share your ideas — both about new documents or what we can do differently.

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Our bloggers will post suitable documents for each day as they find them, including the original collection of Today’s Documents.  Did they post one of your favorites?  Be sure to rate it and post a comment, “like” it on Facebook, or even re-tweet it.

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Know of a document that should be featured for today?

Comment under the post with the corresponding date, or just comment below for a future or uncertain date.  Include your reasons for suggesting the document — what makes it significant, or just why is it interesting to you?

  • Is it a document from ARC,  an Online Exhibit, or our new Online Public Access prototype (OPA)?  Your comment should include:
    1. Link or URL of the document (see how link to ARC and how to link to OPA)
    2. Name or title of the document
    3. Archival description details, especially the ARC Identifier.
    4. We’ll try to track it down and add it to a new post for everyone to rate.
  • Did you find it in our Flickr Photostream?
    1. Tag it with the date (“July 4″)
    2. Tag it with “todaysdocument”
    3. Our moderators will add it to the Today’s Document Flickr Group and try will include it in a new post for everyone to rate.
  • Are you a researcher or “Citizen Archivist?”  Have a new find you want to share?
    1. Upload your image to the Today’s Document Flickr Group
    2. Include any relevant Archival description details (Record Group, Box #, etc.)
    3. Send a comment letting us know and our moderators will try to include it in a new post.
  • Did someone already comment with the same suggestion?  Just give it a “Thumbs Up.”
  • Note we can only feature documents from the holdings of the National Archives.   Copyrighted or restricted materials are not permitted.  Be sure to read our Comment and Posting Policy.


Kim Morgan March 16, 2011 at 8:10 pm

Dear Archivist/Librarian:

Did the original document of the Hanover Resolves survive the American
Revolution and Civil War?

If it did, how might I acquire a copy of the document showing the original
signatures of the signers?

Ali Abdul Baasit April 23, 2011 at 8:57 am

thumbs up

Ali Abdul Baasit April 25, 2011 at 7:23 am

Well u can phone 301 837 3510 or fax 301 837 1758

NWCT2R May 26, 2011 at 12:00 pm

Actually, pre-WWI Army records and pre-WWII Navy and Marine Corps records are in the custody of NARA’s Archives I Reference Section (NWCT1R). Their email is The telephone number is 202-357-5363.

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