Review of Intramural Research Programs by Blue Ribbon Panels


The Report of the External Advisory Committee (EAC) on the Intramural Research Program of NIH (April 11, 1994) strongly recommended that individual reviews of each intramural program be conducted. The NIH Director asked the Deputy Director for Intramural Research (DDIR) to continue with the Blue Ribbon Panel reviews. This is considered an opportunity to tap outside expertise to advise the NIH IRP on improvements, some of which may be difficult to achieve without outside support. (For more details see SD Minutes for August 7, 1996, item 5.)


The charge to the IC Blue Ribbon Panels is to be given by the IC Director, with the reports addressed to the NIH Director, the Advisory Committee of the Director, and the IC Director. Panels have been asked to review the following trans-institute issues:

Panel Membership

Each panel will consist of the Chair of the BSC, a member of the IC's National Advisory Council, a member of the Advisory Committee to the Director, NIH, and three or four other prominent scientists from relevant clinical and basic areas.


Each panel will hold approximately four meetings --during the first meeting basic information will be exchanged; the second and third meetings are for interviews with IC intramural staff; and the fourth meeting will be to formulate proposals. Click here for the IC review schedule and status .

Updated April 15, 2008

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