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Guided Search: Indexes
Examples and Explanation

The following indexes are available for selection in Guided Keyword searching. They are presented in the order in which they currently display in the drop-down menu.

Keyword Anywhere (GKEY)

Searches for words or phrases anywhere in the catalog record.

Search: tenochtitlan [ all of these ]
As: Keyword Anywhere (GKEY)

Retrieves: catalog records with the word tenochtitlan in the title, a note, an annotation, a subject term, etc.
HLAS Annotation (K520)

Searches for words or phrases in the HLAS annotation.

Search: women artists [ all of these ]
As: HLAS Annotation (K520)

Retrieves: catalog records with the words women and artists in the annotation.
Title: All (KTIL)

Searches for words or phrases in all title fields, including serial and series titles, subjects about titles, and titles included as parts of other fields; represents the most comprehensive way to search for titles.

Search: chilam balam [ as a phrase ]
As: Title: All (KTIL)

Retrieves: catalog records for materials having the phrase chilam balam in the title, including texts of the Chilam Balam, translations of Chilam Balam, and examinations of Chilam Balam.
HLAS Volume Number (972B)

Searches materials reviewed for HLAS 62.

Search: 62 [ all of these ]
As: HLAS Volume Number (972B)

Retrieves: catalog records for materials which were reviewed for HLAS Volume 62.

HLAS Section Code (972D)

Searches for materials about Peruvian Archeology.

Search: sef4200 [ as a phrase ]
As: HLAS Section Code (972D)

Retrieves: catalog records that appeared in the Peruvian Archeology section of HLAS.
Subject: All (KSUB)

Searches for words or phrases in HLAS or Library of Congress subject headings, as well as in the annotations, table of contents (where available), and other note fields.

Search: sustainable development
[ as a phrase ]
As: Subject: All (KSUB)

Retrieves: catalog records for materials with the phrase "sustainable development" as a subject heading (either main heading or sub-heading) or in an annotation.
HLAS Control Number (K010)

Searches for HLAS item bi2006001021, a volume of papers presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Search: bi2006001021 [ as a phrase ]
As: HLAS Control Number (K010)

Retrieves: catalog record corresponding to this control number, a volume published by Univ. of Arizona press titled After collapse: the regeneration of complex societies.
Author/Name: All (KNAM)

Searches for all books (monographs and edited volumes), book chapters, conference papers, and journal articles in which Bolivianist historian Brooke Larson is author, co-author, or editor.

Search: brooke larson [ all of these ]
As: Author/Name: All (KNAM)

Retrieves: all catalog records in which brooke larson appears as an author, co-author, or editor. Note that her name does not have to be inverted as in the Basic Search.

Searches for International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN) or International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN).

International Standard Book Numbers

Hyphens MUST NOT be included in ISBN search statements.

International Standard Serial Numbers

Hyphens MUST be included in ISSN search statements.

To search for the catalog record for the book having ISBN 0-8130-0946-4:

Search:0813009464 [ all of these ]

*Because ISBN numbers are included in HLAS OPAC records only if they are available to the cataloger at the time of cataloging, try another search method if the search is unsuccessful.

Retrieves: the catalog record for First encounters: Spanish explorations in the Caribbean and the United States, 1492-1570. Edited by Jerald T. Milanich and Susan Milbrath. (ISBN 0-8130-0946-4).

To search for the catalog records for articles from the journal having ISSN 0188-2503:

Search: 0188-2503 [ all of these ]

Retrieves: the catalog records for all articles from the journal, "Revista Mexicana de Sociología" (ISSN 0188-2503).
HLAS Contributing Editor (97CE)

Searches for records that represent books and articles reviewed by Juan Carlos Torchia Estrada for the Philosophy: Latin American Thought section.

Search: Torchia [ all of these  ]
As: HLAS Contributing Editor (97CE)

Retrieves: catalog records for materials reviewed by HLAS Contributing Editor Juan Carlos Torchia Estrada.
HLAS Journal Abbreviation (KHJA)

Searches for all occurrences of the abbreviation for the journal Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos.

Search: Estud. Migr. Latinoam.
[ all of these ]
As: HLAS Journal Abbreviation (KHJA)

Retrieves: the catalog records that correspond to articles from the journal Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos.
Publication Date (260C)

Searches for materials published in 2002.

Search: 2002 [ all of these  ]
As: Publication Date (260C)

Retrieves: catalog records corresponding to materials published in 2002.
Publisher (260B)

Searches for books published by the University of Texas Press.

Search: texas press [ as a phrase  ]
As: Publisher (260B)

Retrieves: catalog records corresponding to works published by the University of Texas Press.

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