Soldier Life
Soldier during Tower Ascent

Injury Control

Injuries are not uncommon during intense physical training, however most injuries can be prevented. Many common injuries are caused by overuse—exercising too much and too often, with too rapid an increase in the workload. Most overuse injuries can be treated with rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
The most common running injuries occur in the feet, ankles, knees, and legs. Although such injuries are hard to eliminate, there are ways to keep them to a minimum. Preventive measures include proper warm-up, cool-down and stretching exercises, and allowing enough recovery time between hard bouts of exercising. For example, several days of hard running without rest between each session can also be a major cause of injuries. Another preventative measure is to buy proper running shoes with good arch supports for the type of foot you have. Stores with properly trained footwear employees can help you select the right shoe for you.

For further information about Army Fitness Standards and safety measures, please refer to the Army Physical Training Pocket PT Guide.