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Preventing Osteoporosis: Questions for the doctor

Preventing Osteoporosis: Questions for the doctor

Content last updated on:
February 14, 2013

Osteoporosis (“os-tee-oh-puh-ROH-sis”) is a disease of the bones. It means your bones are weak and more likely to break. Anyone can get osteoporosis, but it’s most common in older women.

Ask your doctor or nurse about steps you can take to prevent weak bones and lower your risk for osteoporosis. If you are age 50 or older, talk to your doctor about testing your bone strength.

Screening for osteoporosis is covered under the Affordable Care Act for some women over age 60. Depending on your insurance plan, you may be able to get screened at no cost to you. Talk to your insurance provider.

What do I ask the doctor?

Visiting the doctor can be stressful. It helps to have questions written down before your appointment. Print these questions, and take them with you the next time you visit the doctor. You may want to take a family member or close friend along to help take notes.

  • What puts me at risk for osteoporosis?
  • How can I find out if I have weak bones?
  • What foods should I eat to help prevent osteoporosis?
  • How active do I need to be to help prevent osteoporosis?
  • Am I currently taking any medicines that cause bone loss?
  • How much calcium and vitamin D do I need each day?
  • How can I get enough calcium?