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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Maternal and Child Health

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DataSpeak Archived Events

DataSpeak events have been archived so that you can have access to all of the information anywhere and anytime. You can download any of the following materials

  • Recordings of the actual events
  • Text transcript of the actual event
  • Speaker Presentations
  • Agenda
  • Speaker Contact Information
  • Additional reference materials and readings

Events Grouped by Date

2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000


Tuesday, June 19

Building Better Data Systems to Address Youth Violence and Injury

Experts spoke to the importance of data and the various ways that public data can be used to monitor and create policy to address youth violence and injury trends.

Thursday, January 19

Findings from the 2009-2010 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs

This program coincided with the data release of the 2009-2010 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs (NS-CSHCN). Over the course of the program, 4 speakers discussed the purpose, methodology, key findings, and ways to access both state and national data of the 2009-2010 NS-CSHCN.

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Tuesday, November 15

The Epidemiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders: New Approaches to Prevalence and Monitoring

This DataSpeak brought together 4 speakers to discuss different tools, data sources, and methods for monitoring and reporting on the epidemiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Wednesday, September 7

Bringing ADHD Epidemiology to States: What Could State-based Estimates Mean for Your State?

Epidemiological trends in childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity over time, using data from the National Survey of Children’s Health were discussed including the potential for using state-based estimates from this national, population-based survey to advance state health initiatives in the mental and behavioral health of children.

Friday, February 25 

Healthy People 2020: the Next Generation of MCH-related Focus Areas

This DataSpeak focused on three MCH-related Healthy People 2020 topic areas. Each speaker discussed the workgroup process, changes in objectives and targets, and future plans for developing their topic areas. 

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Thursday, October 28 

Social Determinants of Maternal and Child Health: Data, Policy Implications and Opportunities

Focus: the social determinants of maternal and child health. Two experts in the field discussed current data on the topic, non-clinical opportunities for addressing disparities, and current federal policies to promote healthy early development.

Tuesday, June 16 

Physical Activity in Child Care Settings: Research Findings and Policy Implications

This DataSpeak conference presented research findings on physical activity among preschoolers in child care settings. Data on childrens' physical activity levels were presented, along with information on associated demographic and environmental factors. Presenters also discussed best practice guidelines and programmatic and policy-level opportunities for increasing physical activity in child care settings.

Tuesday, February 9 

Childrens Emotional, Behavioral, and Developmental Wellbeing: New Data and Tools for the Field

This DataSpeak presented national- and state-level data on the prevalence of emotional, behavioral, and development conditions among children, with a discussion of the rise in autism rates, specifically. There was information on the role that public health professionals play in helping primary care providers to provide appropriate care for this population.

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Monday, September 14

Health Information Exchange (HIE): How the MCH Community Can Utilize New Funding and Technology

This DataSpeak presented information on health information exchange (HIE) and its application to public health systems. The program covered the HITECH Act and the opportunities it provides to the MCH community, an introduction to integrated information systems, and an overview of Rhode Island’s innovative KIDSNET program.

Tuesday, June 2

New Findings from the 2007 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH)

This DataSpeak focused on information from the 2007 National Survey of Children’s Health. A leading scientist from the NCHS provided an overview of the survey methodology and a senior representative from the MCHB discussed potential applications of the survey as well as selected findings. The director of the CAHMI provided information about accessing National- and State-level survey data online and highlighted key State-level survey results. 

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Wednesday, December 3

New Findings on Health Behaviors of School-aged Children

This DataSpeak conference provided selected results from the 2005-2006 Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey. Physical activity, substance use, and bullying were highlighted, as well as comparisons of findings for the United States versus other nations.

Monday, September 15

New Approaches to State Surveillance of Childrens BMI

This DataSpeak conference provided an overview of new approaches to state surveillance of children's body mass index (BMI). Speakers discussed Federal surveillance of children’s BMI, the statewide school-based BMI screening program in Arkansas, and population-based surveillance efforts in Michigan, Maine and San Diego.

Wednesday, July 23

Maternal and Child Health on the U.S.-Mexico Border

This DataSpeak conference provided an overview of communities on the US-Mexico border, a description of ongoing data collection and analysis efforts, and a discussion of opportunities for improved cross-border data collection. Presentations of perinatal and child mortality data are included.

Monday, June 2

Findings from Phase II of the National Healthy Start Evaluation

This DataSpeak conference provided an overview of the methods and findings of the National Healthy Start Evaluation, Phase II. Both the case studies of individual grantees and the survey of Healthy Start participants were discussed.

Wednesday, April 16

National and State Surveillance Efforts to Monitor Oral Health Disparities in Children

This DataSpeak conference for MCH professionals, researchers, and program planners provided an overview of recent data on childrens oral health based on selected national- and state-level surveillance efforts.

Wednesday, February 20

Using GIS in MCH Research and Planning

This DataSpeak conference provided MCH professionals, researchers, and program planners with a basic understanding of GIS and the methodology involved, as well as examples of how GIS has been used to examine variation in maternal and child health outcomes and disparities in access to care at the State and local level.

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Wednesday, November 28

Findings from the 2005-2006 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs

This DataSpeak conference, coinciding with the data release of the 2005–2006 NS-CSHCN, provided an overview of the purpose and uses of the survey, highlights key findings, describes the data collection methods (as well as the similarities and differences between the 2005–2006 survey questions and the survey conducted in 2001), and walks participants through an online tool for analyzing state and national NS-CSHCN data. 

Wednesday, July 11

Contextual Analysis, Part 3: Applying the Statistical Concepts to Real Data

This third program in the series will include real-world examples of the analyses from the research sites funded by MCHB, the resources needed to implement these types of analyses, and the varied potential uses of multilevel modeling other than preterm birth and low birth weight outcomes.

Thursday, June 28

HIV/AIDS among Women: Maternal and Child Health and HIV/AIDS Partnerships for Prevention, Testing, and Care

This program presented the latest surveillance data on HIV infection and AIDS among women, highlighting the disproportionate impact of the epidemic on women of color. Speakers described Federal policies, funding, and other supports available for addressing HIV and AIDS among women and highlight opportunities for partnerships between maternal and child health programs and HIV and AIDS programs to serve better the needs of women in HIV prevention and care.

Wednesday, June 6

Contextual Analysis, Part 2: Methods for Understanding and Interpreting Multilevel Analysis

This second program in the series of three described several different multilevel analysis techniques, the advantages and disadvantages of these different approaches, examples of their use for the analysis of preterm birth data, and the interpretation of statistical results.

Wednesday, May 16 

Contextual Analysis, Part 1: A Tool for Understanding Disparities in Preterm Birth

This first program in the series of three presented an overview of contextual analysis, including discussion of how neighborhoods are defined, what sources of data are available at the neighborhood level, how neighborhood conditions can affect health, what scientific evidence there is to support a contextual approach, and what challenges face investigators in this field of work.

Wednesday, February 14 

New Findings from the National Survey of Children's Health

The National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) conducted in 2003 provided researchers with reliable and representative State- and national-level data on factors influencing the health of children throughout the United States. Funded by the Federal MCHB in partnership with the NCSH, the survey’s 301 variables empower researchers to conduct new quantitative research on a wide array of topics regarding the relationship between children’s health status, their access to care and the influence of their families and communities. Building upon a DataSpeak conducted in 2005 which provided an overview of initial findings from the survey, this program presented findings from three indepth studies that were featured in a special February 2007 issue of Pediatrics

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Wednesday, May 17 

Addressing Disparities in Perinatal Health and Birth Outcomes: New Approaches for Improving Maternal and Infant Health 

Monday, May 8 

Understanding Disparities in Perinatal Health and Birth Outcomes: Emerging Trends and Perspectives 

Wednesday, February 22

Child Death Review: Using Data to Understand Why Children Die and Taking Action to Prevent Child Deaths

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Wednesday, September 21 

National Survey of Children’s Health 

Wednesday, June 29 

Perinatal Depression: Emerging Perspectives and Practices 

Wednesday, May 11

Breastfeeding in the United States: New National Data, Federal Priorities, and Lessons from the Field

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Wednesday, September 22

Integrating Oral Health and MCH Programs 

Wednesday, June 30

Integrated Child Health Information Systems 

Wednesday, April 21

Perinatal HIV Screening: Efforts to Monitor Trends and Reduce Transmission 

Wednesday, January 14

U.S. Teens in Our World: Understanding the Health of U.S. Youth in Comparison to Youth in Other Countries

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Wednesday, July 23 

Women's Health: Data Resources and Federal Initiatives 

Thursday, May 22

CSHCN: Findings from the National Survey on CSHCN

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Thursday, June 13 

The Health of Immigrant Populations: Coverage, Access, and Outcomes 

Thursday, April 4

Overweight and Obesity in Children and Adolescents

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Tuesday, June 26

International Perspectives on Youth Violence 

Tuesday, March 6 

Implications of the New Federal Approach to Classifying Race/Ethnicity

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Tuesday, June 28

Managing and Measuring Pediatric Oral Health 

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