Health and Aging

A-Z Health Topics Index

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  • Cancer Facts For People Over 50
    Cancer strikes people of all ages, but you are more likely to get cancer as you get older, even if no one in your family has had it. The good news is that the number of cancer cases and death rates are both going down. No matter what your age, the chances of surviving cancer are better today than before.
  • Prostate Problems
    Stan just found out that a friend has prostate cancer. A lot of men he knows have some kind of problem with their prostate. He’s worried that this might happen to him. It’s true that prostate problems are common after age 50. The good news is there are many things you can do.
  • Skin Care and Aging
    Cynthia had always been proud of her skin, especially her summer tan. But as she grew older, she saw she was getting more fine lines and wrinkles. She began to worry about what other skin problems she may have. What were those brown spots on her hands and arms?
  • Smell and Taste: Spice of Life
    Sally looked forward to Thanksgiving dinner at her daughter's house. But, when she ate the holiday food, she felt let down. It wasn't as tasty as she remembered. Sally knew her daughter was a good cook. What was wrong? Maybe Sally's sense of smell was the real problem. Your Sense Of Smell Smell is an important sense. Certain smells can help you recall your dad's cologne or alert you to danger, like smoke from a fire. When you can't smell things you enjoy like morning coffee or flowers, part of life may seem very dull.
  • Smoking: It's Never Too Late to Stop
      "I've smoked two packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years—what's the use of quitting now?" If you quit smoking, you are likely to add years to your life, breathe more easily, enjoy food more, and save money. 
  • Understanding Lung Problems—Make Each Breath Healthy
    Lupe has smoked for over 45 years. This year she started having trouble keeping up with her 3-year-old grandson without gasping for air. She can no longer work in her garden without having coughing fits. Sometimes Lupe feels out of breath strolling through the market. Yet, Lupe was surprised when her doctor said she had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Every day you breathe in and out nearly 20,000 times. That’s a lot of work for your lungs. Over time your likelihood of having a serious lung problem increases, especially if you smoke.