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Methods and Software: Prevalence of Cancer

Diagram of Prevalence of Cancer Methods and Software SEER*Stat Unlimited-Duration Prevalence ComPrev ProjPrev

Prevalence is a statistic of primary interest in public health because it identifies the level of burden of disease or health-related events on the population and health care system. Prevalence represents new and preexisting cases alive on a certain date. In contrast, incidence reflects new cases of a condition diagnosed during a given period of time. Prevalence is a function of both the incidence of the disease and survival.

More information about cancer prevalence estimates and available statistics can be accessed from the Overview of Cancer Prevalence Statistics:

  • Limited Duration Prevalence, currently in SEER*Stat, represents the proportion of people alive on a certain day who had a diagnosis of the disease within the past x years.
  • Complete Prevalence - Represents the proportion of people alive on a certain day who previously had a diagnosis of the disease, regardless of how long ago the cancer was diagnosed. A patient is still considered prevalent regardless of whether they are currently under treatment or considered cured.

ComPrev - Complete Prevalence Software

The ComPrev software calculates complete prevalence estimates, based on limited-duration prevalence statistics calculated on SEER cancer data.

ProjPrev - Projected Prevalence Sofware

The ProjPrev software combines populations and prevalence proportions to obtain/project new prevalence proportions. This software is useful to obtain US prevalence proportions for all races combined from race-specific SEER prevalence proportions and race-specific US populations.