Tag: teachers

Advertising is a way to send messages to an audience. The message could be to buy a product, support a cause, or think favorably about something. Being aware of the ad's message can help you be a more informed consumer. Visit Admongo.gov to find...

Behind every ad there is someone who wants you to take a specific action. Companies often advertise their products and services to influence you to do, think, or buy something. It's important to know who the messenger is, what they want you to do...

Advertisers use many techniques to reach their audiences. Admongo shows you how to identify those techniques so you will be more aware of how you're being influenced to do, think, or buy something.

Ads contain messages asking you to do something — like buy a product or service. Admongo shows you how to identify those messages and think critically about the action the ad wants you to take.

Get ready for your "aducation" with Haze! He will walk you through Admongo. Meet the challenge to find all the ads, determine who created them, and understand the actions the ads want you to take.

Having an "aducation" means understanding the true messages behind advertising. Admongo teaches this to kids in a way that's fun, interactive and helps them become more thoughtful consumers. Use Admongo in the classroom or at home with teaching...

When your kids begin socializing online, you may want to talk to them about certain risks:

Inappropriate conduct: The online world can feel anonymous. Kids sometimes forget that they are still accountable for their actions. Inappropriate...

Cyberbullying is bullying or harassment that happens online. It can happen in an email, a text message, a game, or on a social networking site. It might involve spreading rumors or images posted on someone's profile or passed around for others...

As you talk to people online, remember that texting, IMing, or emailing really is no different than talking to someone in person. If you wouldn't say it to someone's face, it's not OK to type it.

Politeness Counts Don't Impersonate Speak...

You text, you play games, you share photos and video. You update your status, you post comments, you might spend time in a virtual world. Being online is how you live your life.

And as you spend more of your time there, it can be easy to...
