HINTS Health Information National Trends Survey

What Does Hints Tell Us About... Tobacco Use

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HINTS Questions
  Asked in 2003 Asked in 2005 Asked in 2007
Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life? TU-01 TU-01 BR28
Do you now smoke cigarettes... TU-02 TU-02 BR29
On the average, how many cigarettes do you now smoke a day? TU-03 TU-03 BR30
On the average, when you smoked during the past 30 days, about how many cigarettes did you smoke a day? TU-04 TU-05 BR32
Would you say that you plan to quit smoking, you don't plan to quit, or you're undecided? TU-05
About how long has it been since you completely quit smoking cigarettes? TU-06 TU-11 BR37
When you last smoked every day, how many cigarettes did you usually smoke each day? TU-07 TU-13 BR39
Would you say you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree or you have no opinion with the statement: Exercise can undo most of the effects of smoking. TU-09a
...Vitamins can undo most of the effects of smoking. TU-09b
...There's no risk of getting cancer if someone only smokes a few years. TU-09c
...Whether a person gets lung cancer depends more on genes than anything else. TU-09d
What type of cigarette do you now smoke most often -- a regular, light, ultra light or some other type? TU-10
Is the main reason you now smoke this type of cigarette because it is a way to reduce the health risks of smoking, to try to quit smoking, because of the taste, or for some other reason? TU-11
If a new cigarette were advertised as less harmful than current cigarettes, how interested would you be in trying it? TU-12 TU-17
Tobacco companies have recently introduced new types of cigarettes that are claimed to have fewer harmful chemicals or carcinogens. These have names like Eclipse, Accord, Advance, and Omni. Have you ever tried one of these products? TU-13
Tobacco companies have also recently introduced new types of smokeless tobacco products. These have names like Arriva, Exalt, and Revel. Have you ever tried one of these products? TU-14
How likely do you think it is that the average {male/female} cigarette smoker will develop lung cancer in the future? TU-15
How likely do you think it is that you will develop lung cancer in the future? TU-16 MM-01
Overall, how many people who develop lung cancer do you think are cured? TU-17
Would you say the average smoker has about the same lung cancer risk as a non-smoker, a little higher lung cancer risk than a non-smoker, twice the non-smoker's risk, 5 times the non-smoker's risk or 10 or more times the non-smoker's risk? TU-18
Would you say you have about the same lung cancer risk as a non-smoker, a little higher lung cancer risk than a non-smoker, twice the non-smoker's risk, 5 times the non-smoker's risk, or 10 or more times the non-smoker's risk? TU-19
Overall, how many people who develop lung cancer do you think survive at least 5 years? MM-07
On how many of the past 30 days, did you smoke a cigarette? TU-04 BR31
Have you ever stopped smoking for one day or longer because you were trying to quit smoking? TU-07
How many times during the past 12 months have you stopped smoking for one day or longer because you were trying to quit smoking? TU-08
Have you ever smoked cigarettes every day for at least 6 months? TU-12 BR38
Have you ever smoked cigarettes every day for at least 6 months? BR33
When you last smoked every day, how many cigarettes did you usually smoke each day? BR34
Next are some questions about new types of tobacco products that have been recently introduced. Have you ever heard of a tobacco product called Eclipse? TU-18a
... Quest? TU-18b
... Marlboro UltraSmooth? TU-18c
... Ariva? TU-18d
... Revel? TU-18e
Have you heard of any other types of new tobacco products? These would include products like Accord, Advance, Omni, Exalt and Stonewall. TU-18jI
What other products have you heard of? TU-18jII
How did you hear about Eclipse? TU-19
... Quest? TU-19
... Marlboro UltraSmooth? TU-19
... Ariva? TU-19
... Revel? TU-19
How did you hear about Accord? TU-19
... Advance? TU-19
... Exalt? TU-19
... Omni? TU-19
How did you hear about {other specified product}? TU-19
... Stonewall? TU-19
You said you have heard of {FILL WITH LIST OF ITEMS MENTIONED IN TU-18A-Jii}. Have you ever tried {this product/any of these products}? TU-20
Which new product have you tried? (First Response) TU-20a
Do you now use {FILL} every day, some days, or not at all? TU-21
{Now that you are using/When you tried or used} {FILL} {did/do} you smoke less of your regular brand of cigarettes, about the same number of your regular brand of cigarettes, or more of your regular brand of cigarettes? TU-22
What is the main reason you {use/tried or used} {FILL}? TU-23
As far as you know, is {FILL} less harmful than conventional cigarettes, equally harmful, or more harmful than conventional cigarettes? TU-24
Around this time 12 months ago, were you smoking cigarettes. . . TU-14
During the past 12 months, have you tried to quit smoking completely? TU-06 BR35
Are you seriously considering quitting smoking within the next 6 months? TU-10 BR36
Do you believe that some cigarettes are less harmful than others? BR40
Do you believe that some smokeless tobacco products, such as chewing tobacco and snuff, are less harmful than cigarettes? BR45
Before being contacted for this survey, had you ever heard of telephone quit lines such as a toll-free number to call for help in quitting smoking? BR46
Have you ever called a telephone quit line? BR51
In the past 12 months, did any doctor, dentist, nurse or other health professional suggest that you call or use a telephone helpline or quit line to help you quit smoking? BR52
How likely would you be to call a smoking cessation telephone quit line in the future, for any reason? BR53
Before being contacted for this survey, had you ever heard of 1-800-QUIT-NOW? BR53a
Have you heard of any tests to find lung cancer before the cancer creates noticeable problems? BR54
What [lung] tests have you heard of? BR55
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English Briefs

Brief 17: Smokers' Attitudes Toward Potential "Reduced-Exposure" Tobacco Products (PREPs)Download Brief in PDF Format
Cover image of Brief 17The tobacco industry has in recent years introduced a proliferation of potential reduced-exposure tobacco products (PREPs), marketing such products as alternatives to conventional cigarettes and sometimes claiming they are less harmful or less addictive.
Nov  2010
Brief 13: Americans Often Misunderstand the Extent to Which Colon, Skin, and Lung Cancers are Treatable and BeatableDownload Brief in PDF Format
Cover image of Brief 13"State-of-the-science" evidence in cancer refers to consensus among researchers and specialists regarding the most effective ways to prevent, screen for, and treat the disease, as well as rates of survival among those diagnosed.
Aug  2009
Brief 11: Knowledge of Tobacco-Related Cancers: Understanding the association of tobacco consumption and perceived cancer riskDownload Brief in PDF Format
Cover image of Brief 11Over the past several decades, significant progress has been made in reducing overall smoking rates and tobacco-related diseases. Despite these successes, there remain demographic and geographic disparities in smoking prevalence, tobacco-related health outcomes, and knowledge about lung cancer risk factors and mortality.
Oct  2008
Brief 9: Confusion about Cancer Prevention: Association with behaviorDownload Brief in PDF Format
Cover image of Brief 9Because many cancers can be prevented through individual action and lifestyle (e.g., not smoking, eating a healthy diet, exercising, and wearing sunscreen), public understanding of cancer prevention is critical to cancer control.
Jan  2008
Brief 2: Cancer Knowledge: Understanding Cancer Risk and Reducing Cancer RiskDownload Brief in PDF Format
Cover image of Brief 2More than 64% of Americans believe that lifestyle and behavior influence cancer risk.
Mar  2006
Published Articles Using HINTS Data

Ho, M.Y., Lai, J.Y., Cheung, W.Y. 2011The influence of physicians on colorectal cancer screening behaviorCancer Causes and Control  22 (12), pp. 1659-1668.

Kiviniemi MT, Orom H, Giovino GA.  2011Psychological distress and smoking behavior: the nature of the relation differs by race/ethnicity. Nicotine and Tobacco Research  13(2):113–9

Mayer DK, Carlson J.  2011Smoking patterns in cancer survivors. Nicotine Tob Res  13(1):34–40

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