DEFECT INVESTIGATIONS The INVESTIGATION file contains all NHTSA safety-related defect investigations opened since 1972. File characteristics: - All the records are TAB delimited - All dates are in YYYYMMDD format - Maximum Record length: 4656 Change log: 1.Changed flat file extension from .lst to .txt as of Sept. 14, 2007 2.Field# 11 added as of March 14, 2008 Last Updated March 14, 2008 FIELDS: ======= Note: The CAMPNO field (NHTSA Recall Campaign Number), if present, identifies the recall campaign initiated as a result of the investigation. The CAMPNO can be used to link to the RECALLS database for additional information. Field# Name Type/Size Description ------ ---------- --------- ------------------------------- 1 NHTSA ACTION NUMBER CHAR(10) NHTSA Identification Number 2 MAKE CHAR(25) Vehicle/Equipment Make 3 MODEL CHAR(256) Vehicle/Equipment Model 4 YEAR CHAR(4) Model Year, 9999 if Unknown or N/A 5 COMPNAME CHAR(256) Component Description 6 MFR_NAME CHAR(40) Manufacturer's Name 7 ODATE CHAR(8) Date Opened (YYYYMMDD) 8 CDATE CHAR(8) Date Closed (YYYYMMDD) 9 CAMPNO CHAR(9) Recall Campaign Number, if applicable 10 SUBJECT CHAR(40) Summary Description 11 SUMMARY CHAR(4000) Summary Detail