Wisconsin Conditions of Use

The Wisconsin Department of Corrections sex offender registry was established in June 1997 due to the enactment of Wisconsin Act 440 - Wisconsin Statutes 301.45 and 301.46. This law requires registration of individuals who have been convicted of certain sexual offenses. By law, the registry generally contains information on those individuals who were convicted, adjudicated, incarcerated, or on supervision for a sex offense on or after December 25, 1993. It is not a list of every person who has ever committed, been arrested for, or convicted of a sex offense. If a person has not been convicted of a qualifying offense, or if information has not been submitted about that person, information about that person may not be included in the registry. The information contained in the registry will not reflect the entire criminal history of a particular individual.

DOC has not considered or assessed the specific risk of re-offense with regard to any registrant prior to the registrant's inclusion within this registry. Individuals are included in the registry solely by virtue of their conviction record and state law.

Accuracy of Information

DOC updates this information regularly to ensure that the registry is as accurate and current as possible. However, you are cautioned that the information provided on this site can change quickly, and may not reflect the current residence, status or other information regarding the registrant. Each registrant submits registry information, and sometimes the information provided is not accurate. Sometimes registrants fail to notify DOC about a change in residence, status, or other information. DOC cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information. DOC cannot independently confirm the accuracy of all information.

The Wisconsin Department of Corrections is not responsible for any errors or omissions produced by secondary dissemination of this information.


It is not the intent of the Legislature that this information be used to injure, harass, or commit a criminal act against persons named in the registry, their families, or employers. Anyone who takes any criminal action against these registrants, including vandalism of property, verbal or written threats of harm or physical assault against these registrants, their families or employers is subject to criminal prosecution.

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