
Cheaper processors, faster networks, and the rise of mobile devices are driving innovation faster than ever before Cloud computing is a manifestation and core enabler of this transformation. Just as the Internet has led to the creation of new business models unfathomable 20 years ago, cloud computing will disrupt and reshape entire industries in unforeseen ways.

The Federal Government’s responsibility is to achieve the significant cost, agility and innovation benefits of cloud computing as quickly as possible. The government’s current Information Technology environment is characterized by low asset utilization, a fragmented demand for resources, duplicative systems, environments which are difficult to manage, and long procurement lead times These inefficiencies negatively impact the Federal Government’s ability to serve the American public.

Cloud computing has the potential to play a major part in addressing these inefficiencies and improving government service delivery. The cloud computing model can significantly help agencies grappling with the need to provide highly reliable, innovative services quickly despite resource constraints. For the Federal Government, cloud computing holds tremendous potential to deliver public value by increasing operational efficiency and responding faster to constituent needs.


Read the Latest

Cloud Computing Update: Best Practices for Acquiring IT as a Service (February 24, 2012)
Cloud Computing, Front and Center (September 6, 2011)


CIO Council Documents

Creating Effective Cloud Computing Contracts for the Federal Government (February 24, 2012)
State of Public Sector Cloud Computing (May 20, 2010)



Federal Cloud Computing Strategy (February 8, 2011)