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An official website of the United States Government.

Our People & Organization Congressional & Legislative Affairs

Congressional and Legislative Affairs (CLA) is the OPM component that fosters and maintains relationships with Members of Congress and their staffs members. Our job is to be in constant communication with the congressional offices and committees that are responsible for all aspects of the civil service system by providing advice and information to help advance the President’s agenda and OPM’s legislative initiatives.

As the focal point for all congressional and legislative activities for OPM, we are uniquely qualified to advise the Director and OPM officials on all matters that are important to Congress. Our advice and counsel also help prepare the Director and senior officials for testimony on the Capitol Hill on matters related to civil service law and regulations—from hiring reform to pay and retirement issues.

Ultimately, through our work, relationship building, and knowledge of OPM and congressional priorities, we are able to help the Director develop strategies to enact the Administration’s human resources agenda.

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