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Click here to visit the current NRCS Soil Science Division Web Site for the most up-to-date and complete information.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Science Division is the lead agency for the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS), a joint effort of Federal and State agencies, universities, and professional societies.  The NCSS is committed to delivering science-based soils information that helps people be good stewards of the Nation’s soil, water, and related natural resources.

The Soils web page will be migrated to this new web  format over the next year.

Soil Stories



Chapter 1 of 5: Discovery from SC-NRCS & ESRI-SC Partnership on Vimeo.

Soil Stories” was born out of a collaborative effort between ESRI-SC and SC NRCS. While facts came easy, it's not always easy to be engaging on this subject. We learned that story trumps all when making videos, so we made a movie about people who have a relationship with the soil.

In “Soil Stories”, our protagonist, Francine, embarks on a journey of discovery that begins with her realization that soil is alive and that without soil, life as we know would not exist. In her journey of discovery she meets with soil scientists who help her “see” beneath the surface of the soil and help her understand how diverse yet ordered soil bodies are in the landscape and how much work has been done in soil survey. In the second half of the story, Francine meets with characters that help her take an up close and personal look at some physical and biological attributes of soils without which they would not function. In the final part of the video, a character from history shares an epiphany about soils with Francine and translates this to modern terms.

If you liked chapter 1 of Soil Stories, here's the whole story, which is closed captioned as well.