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Photos, Images, and Videos

Search Results

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A color illustration of myopia highlighting the cornea, pupil and lens, and the way an image focuses in front of the retina. Description: A color illustration of myopia highlighting the cornea, pupil and lens, and the way an image focuses in front of the retina.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ref#: EDA28
72 dpi
(1.4M, TIFF)
150 dpi
(1.4M, TIFF)
300 dpi
(1.4M, TIFF)

Ilustración a color de la miopía destacando la córnea, la pupila y el cristalino, y como la imagen se enfoca en frene de la retina. Description: Ilustración a color de la miopía destacando la córnea, la pupila y el cristalino, y como la imagen se enfoca en frene de la retina.
Credit: Instituto Nacional del Ojo, Institutos Nacionales de la Salud
Ref#: EDA28S
72 dpi
(1.4M, TIFF)
150 dpi
(1.4M, TIFF)
300 dpi
(1.4M, TIFF)

A scene as it might be viewed by a person with myopia (nearsightedness). Description: A scene as it might be viewed by a person with myopia (nearsightedness).

Normal view of this image.
Credit: National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health
Ref#: EDS06

72 dpi
(460K, TIFF)
150 dpi
(2.0M, TIFF)
300 dpi
(8.0M, TIFF)


Department of Health and Human Services NIH, the National Institutes of Health