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Updating subscription order credit card information

Answer ID

How do I update the credit card information for My Subscription?

Simply go to the "My Subscriptions" area, enter the new credit card information and click the update button to save the changes. To use the same credit card for your "My Account" profile and all of your subscriptions, select the option yes in response to Would you like to update your credit card information for all of your subscriptions and the credit card information on the "My Account" page? Your credit card billing address and your billing address on record must be identical. If these two addresses differ, your order will be placed on hold until the discrepancy is resolved. You can update your billing address at "Edit My Account." You may also contact our Customer Service Center at one of the numbers listed below.

Customer Service Numbers:

Within the United States: 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468)
Speech - Hearing Impaired-TTY: 1-888-321-MINT (6468)
International Customers: 001-202-898-MINT (6468)

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