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An official website of the United States Government.

e-QIP Application Web Based Training


The e-QIP Initiator serves as the applicant's main point of contact during the investigation request process.

If you are the Initiator, you are responsible for initiating the applicant's investigation request, selecting the appropriate form, completing the Agency Use Block section, and monitoring the applicant's timely completion of the Standard Form. You may also need to cancel investigation requests if, for example, the applicant takes a job elsewhere.


Investigative Forms and e-QIP Overview

This lesson provides a high-level overview of the purpose, history, and benefits of the e-QIP system. It outlines the types of investigations, roles, forms, and processes required for using e-QIP.

Accessing and Navigating in e-QIP

This lesson teaches how to access, log into, and navigate through the e-QIP system.

Initiating Requests

This lesson covers the tasks involved with initiating investigation requests in e-QIP.

Solutions to Common Issues

This lesson focuses on how to respond to common applicant issues. It also covers how to use Find and run reports.