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Units > Retiree Activities Office
Retiree Activities Office Retiree Activities Office

The Retiree Activities Office (RAO) provides current information and assistance to military retirees, their dependents and survivors who reside in the local RAO area of responsibility and coordinates retiree volunteer assistance to many base organizations.

tabRetiree Activities - Volunteer Opportunities Abound! 
Volunteers are needed! Service hours are flexible and can be served in several different venues at WPAFB. Volunteers can easily find a suitable "fit" for their interests or special skills. You can volunteer as little as a half day a week in one or more venues. RAO volunteers find their service is greatly appreciated and self fulfilling and easily make new friends.

Volunteers are always welcome to join the RAO team to work with other volunteers and active military and civilian personnel to provide assistance in solving personal problems. Volunteers should be retired military, dependents or survivors of military personnel and no less than 18 years old. 

Volunteer opportunities currently exist in the following areas:
RAO Main Office, Suite 203, Building 2, Area C; RAO desk and Atrium at Wright-Patterson Medical Center;  RAO Information Booth at the Commissary/BX; Medical Center; Kitty Hawk Pharmacy.

Assistance will be needed to plan and implement "Retirees Appreciation Day" in the fall.
tabContact the Retiree Activities Office 
Please contact us: For further information visit, call or mail the Retiree Activities Main Office at Suite 203, Building 2, Area C, Wright-Patterson AFB OH; telephone 937-257-3221. Office hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Self addressed mail-in volunteer application forms are available at the RAO and Customer Service area in Building 2; the RAP desk in the Wright-Patterson Medical Center Atrium and the RAP Kiosk next to the Commissary entrance.
tabRetiree Appreciation Events 
Retiree Appreciation DayThe Retiree Activities Office here hosts events to recognize and share information of interest to all military retirees, spouses, widows and widowers throughout the Miami Valley.  Visit this page or the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Skywrighter newspaper for more information.

Retiree Appreciation Day!  This year's annual Retiree Appreciation Day is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 26, 2012 at the Hope Hotel, adjacent to Gate 12A of the base.  The annual event features guest speakers, free medical screening, refreshments, information booths and door prizes.  Scheduled speakers include Ms. Katherine O'Neil Tracy, deputy director of Benefits Information, Military Officers Association of America, leadership from the Wright-Patterson Medical Center, Col. Ralph Lunt, deputy director of DFAS Cleveland, and Mr. Morgan D. Brown, director of Military and Government Relations, Air Force Sergeants Association.

For details on upcoming retiree events or to volunteer please call (937) 257-3221. Voice mail will take your call if no volunteers are available to answer.

 Inside WPAFB

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tabRetiree Links
tabBlood Donors Needed!
Please Give Blood
Your Armed Services Blood Program urgently needs blood!  Please give the gift of life and save a wounded warrior or military veteran in need.  Click here to make an appointment to donate blood at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, or call (937) 257-0580 for more information.
tabWe Want YOU!
Become a Volunteer!

Many Wright-Patterson organizations rely on volunteers to enhance mission effectiveness and support to the base community.  There are volunteer opportunities for virtually any interest area or skill set.  Please Click here to register as a volunteer!

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