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Commenting Policy

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) encourages public comments to posts on the ORI Blog. The blog is moderated to ensure appropriate commenting and to protect privacy. ORI reserves the right to determine if comments violates the commenting policy.

Comments which are deemed not relevant to the original blog post and/or not relevant to other approved comments will not be posted. Public comments will not be posted if they are deemed obscene, profane, defamatory, threatening, libelous, unlawful, or contain other material which could encourage or constitute conduct that could give rise to a civil liability, be considered a criminal offense, or otherwise violate any law or regulation. Comments containing advertisements, links to web sites with objectionable content, personal attacks directed at other readers, and “spam” material will not be posted.

To protect your privacy and the privacy of others, comments containing contact information may be rejected or edited based on appropriateness. Grammar and spelling errors will not be corrected.

Comments can be posted at any time. Moderation of comments will occur during core business hours, Monday through Friday 9:30AM to 3:00PM Eastern Time. Comments posted after core business hours will be moderated during the following business day. ORI will work diligently to moderate comments as soon as possible.

Media should not use the blog as a way of obtaining feedback from ORI or its visitors. Media should contact ORI through normal channels to obtain interviews or information. Questions or comments on the blog from the media will not be posted or answered.
