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CIREN electronic cases

The CIREN database consists of multiple discrete fields of data concerning severe motor vehicle crashes, including crash reconstruction and medical injury profiles. Personal and location identifiers and highly sensitive medical information have been removed from the public files to protect patient confidentiality. CIREN cases, extending back to 1996, for which coding and quality control have been completed, are available for public viewing. Additional cases are released to the public as they become available.

The following case filters can search the available CIREN cases by using an array of variables to allow for specific cases to be retrieved. The filters include vehicle based criteria such as make, model and model year of the case vehicle. Vehicle damage criteria like crash type, angle of impact, change in velocity and rollover status are searchable. Occupant data including seating position, age, height, weight and gender of the case occupant can be used for specifying case types. Occupant injury data based on body region injured, injury severity or actual injury code may also be used to view applicable cases.