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Software Release Information (History)

Software Release Information from (Ver 2.2.0 through Ver 3.5.0)

Version 2.1.1 of CPARS/ACASS/CCASS, released on May 22, 2006. Top

  • For ACASS, added online help for Block 3.b; Evaluation Type.
  • For ACASS, added online help for Construction Contract Number to explain how to enter order number.
  • Added registered contracts to the CPARS Administrator module Status Report.
  • Revised the Focal Point welcoming letter.
  • Modified the Activity Log to show when the Assessing Official pulls back an evaluation from the contractor after 30 days.
  • Added online help for the User Preferences screen.
  • Added the ability to allow non-DoD agencies to use CPARS/ACASS/CCASS.
  • For ACASS/CCASS BAR , added an indicator on the drop list to identify parent firms
  • For ACASS/CCASS, removed period of performance from contractor cover letter as it is not applicable to interim evaluations.
  • For ACASS/CCASS, added print buttons when viewing awards information.
  • For CCASS, made block 18 - Compliance With Labor Standards optional for foreign countries.


Version 2.1.0 of CPARS/ACASS/CCASS, released on October 4, 2005. Top

  • Added a Forgot Password function to the login screen. This allows users to reset their password if they cannot remember it without having to call their Focal Point or the Customer Support Help desk. The user's password is reset and the new password is sent to them via email.
  • Added a Spreadsheet Export function providing one-click data export to an MS Excel spreadsheet, available from the CPAR/Evaluation Status Report, Contract Status Report, and Focal Point View Existing User Access list.
  • Added a User List function that shows all users assigned to a CPAR/Evaluation, available from the CPAR/Evaluation Status Report (available at the Assessing Official Representative, Assessing Official, Reviewing Official, and Focal Point access levels).
  • Added an Activity Log function that provides the history of all actions on a CPAR/Evaluation, including date and time, as it is processed through the workflow (available at the Assessing Official Representative, Assessing Official, Reviewing Official, and Focal Point access levels).
  • Weekly email notifications will be sent to the Assessing Official and Contractor Representative when a CPAR/Evaluation is available for contractor comments and has not yet been accessed by the contractor.
  • The Main Menu has been simplified to encourage use of the To Do List feature.
  • Validation was added to ensure that CPAR/Evaluation reports are completed in the proper sequence (i.e., initial, intermediate, final, etc.).
    Senior Contractor users are now given access to CPARs/Evaluations by DUNS number vice CAGE code.
  • The continuation pages in the PDF view of CPARs/Evaluations are now numbered.
  • Removed the confirmation pop-up received during data entry if data on form has not been changed and the user returns to the main menu.
  • Users are now required to update their Profile (contact information) annually. One reason for this is to ensure that their email address remains current.

Version 2.0.10 of CPARS, released on May 25, 2004. Top

  • Added a weekly batch job to archive CPARS that have a final and have been completed for over a year. An email notification is sent to the Focal Point. Added Company Name, Assessing Official Name, and Assessing Official Email Address to the email notification that is sent to Focal Points for records that are not completed within 120 days. Changed the column title on the To-Do List from "Required Since" to "Assigned". Fixed a problem with the Focal Point Access Authorization screen that was happening when adding an existing user via the new user data entry field. Added the user's Userid to the display when searching for existing users from the Focal Point Access Authorization screen. Gave the Focal Point the ability to delete the assigned Alternate Focal Point without assigning another Alternate Focal Point. Added the CPAR Closed Date to CPAR Status Report.
  • Allow out-of-cycle CPARS to have the same period of performance start date as other CPARS.

Version 2.0.09 of CPARS, released on November 18, 2003. Top

  • Fixed a flaw in the Assessing Official To-Do List that was allowing them to retrieve and finalize a CPAR after 29+ days vice 30 days.
  • Modified the routines that reset users passwords so they would be expired, so the user will be required to change their password at next logon.

Version 2.0.08 of CPARS, released on September 18, 2003. Top

  • Gave Alternate Focal Points access to the Remarks on the CPAR Status Report. Added a feature to the Senior Contractor Rep access level to allow them to get a list of Contractor Reps that have access to CPARs for contracts with their CAGE Codes. Added double spaces between each rating area when viewing a CPAR in the PDF form. Gave Focal Points the ability to update the profiles of the users that they created. Added more information to the date and dollar value validation error messages for the CPARs data entry screens. Added a CPAR process feedback survey to the Contractor Rep data entry process. The results will be included in the quarterly metrics. Fixed a problem on the Services/IT/Operations PDF form where the past rating column was running into the adjacent fields.
  • Fixed the Due Date sort option for the Contract Status Report as it was not sorting properly.
  • Version 2.0.07 of CPARS, released on June 19, 2003. Top
    • If the contractor concurs they no longer have to enter comments; a standard comment stating that they concurred will be entered in the contractor comments block. Added email validation to the Focal Point access matrix and the user profile. Fixed a problem at the CMB user access level on the authorization matrix. If the user name was deleted prior to clicking on the Create User Access Matrix button, it would display a blank matrix. There is now a check to ensure a user has been specified. Added a total record count to the Senior Contractor level View/Print completed CPARS report. Made the email to the Contractor Rep level madatory when a CPAR is closed. Contractors will now get an email notification every Monday if they have not provided comments on a CPAR that has been rated for more than 6 days. Added a feature to the Contract Data Entry level to enable them to Print/View a registered Contract. Added a CPAR status report to the Contract Data Entry level which shows them the Contract Number, Period of Performance and Status. Changed the name of Change User Profile on the main menu to Change User Profile/Switch Access Level. Added a pop-up calendar feature that populates the associated date field to all data entry screens that have date fields at all data entry access levels.
    • Added an email notification when the Assessing Official Rep initiates a CPAR.

    Version 2.0.06 of CPARS, released on April 24, 2003.   Top

    • Tuned the SQL for the Contract Status and the CPAR Status reports to make them run faster.Fixed a problem where the Focal Point was unable to authorize access to a user that had an apostrophe in their name.Fixed a problem where the Focal Point was unable to authorize access to a contract without an order number if the user already had access to the contract with an order number.Fixed the weekly email notifications to use the registered contract completion date instead of the CPAR contract completion date to compute the due dates so that they matched the due dates generated by the contract status report.Added the user's name, email address and phone number to the admin feedback report and reformatted the report to make it easier to read.
    • The proxy server was removed from the production/practice system as it sometimes interfered with clicking on the ratings tabs. Specifically, when clicking on a rating tab it was noted, at times, the page would not change and the user would have to click on the same tab a second time. When the page did not change, changes or modifications to narratives in the previous page were being lost.

    Version 2.0.05 of CPARS, released on April 17, 2003.   Top

    • Fixed a problem in the access validation routine that was not allowing Focal Points to give access to a contract for SYSCOM 07 DODAAC Contracts (other Navy).Fixed the Contract Status report to show CURRENT as the status for CPARS that are not FINAL, but have a poeriod of performance ending with the contract completion date.Fixed a problem where past ratings were not being cleared when multiple CPARs were worked on in one session at the Focal Point level when inputing a complete CPAR.Increased the font size for the PDF view of CPARS.
    • Added the ability to schedule jobs via the admin module.

    Version 2.0.04 of CPARS, released on March 27, 2003.   Top

    • Fixed a problem that was not allowing Focal Points to give access to a contract without an order number if another Focal Point had already given access to the same contract with an order number.Changed the data entry validation routine to check for existing records within the period of performance when the record is saved vice when it is forwarded in the CPARS process.Fixed a problem where past ratings were not being cleared when multiple CPARs were worked on in one session.Change the message a user receives when their account is locked to add the phone number of the Customer Support Desk in addition to their Focal Point's phone number.
    • Automated the CCR data loads and the creation of data files to be loaded into PPIRS.

    Version 2.0.03 of CPARS, released on March 20, 2003.   Top

    • Fixed a bug that was preventing Alternate Focal Points from authorizing access to contracts that their Focal Points have already given access to users. Fixed a bug that was causing the system to generate the same password for different users when the Focal Point was resetting passwords for multiple users in one session.Fixed a bug that was resetting the Type of Availability after saving a Ship, Repair and Overhaul CPAR during data entry.Added the default statement to the Reviewing Official narrative indicating that a review was not required when a CPAR is closed by the Assessing Official because the Contractor agreed with the assessment.
    • Fixed a problem that was not allowing Focal Points to give access to a contract with an order number if another Focal Point had already given access to the same contract without an order number.

    Version 2.0.02 of CPARS, released on March 5, 2003.   Top

    • Fixed a problem in the practice system with accessing sample Air Force records using the sample Air Force user ids.Added a Home button on the CPARS login page to return the user to the CPARS Home page.Changed the view/print options in the application to view the CPARs in an html view with an option to view them in the CPARS forms as pdf documents.Fixed a bug in the routine that generates the CPARS forms as pdf documents that will increase the speed of the rendering.
    • Changed the login process to reduce the amount of time it was taking for users to log in.

    Version 2.0.01 of CPARS, released on March 3, 2003.   Top

    • Added "This System is for UNCLASSIFIED USE ONLY!" to the login screen.Changed email notifications to use the user's email address as the sender instead of the system administrator.Fixed a problem in the Focal Point authorization matrix that was occurring if an attempt was made to assign an existing Focal Point as an Alternate Focal Point.
    • Fixed a problem in the Focal Point transfer user access routine that was occurring if an attempt was made to transfer to a user that already had access to the contracts being transferred.

    Version 2.0.00 of CPARS was released on February 25, 2003.   TopThis version includes the following enhancements:

    • The Focal Point is allowed to reset passwords for their users. The Focal Point can assign an Alternate Focal Point to assist with CPARS responsibilities.Users can now enter the GSA Contract Number when registering a contract. The GSA schedule number is entered in the contract number field and the local F number is placed in the order number field. When registering contracts, entering a valid CAGE Code or DUNS Number will allow CPARS to auto-fill the Contractor Name and Address information.Users with multiple access levels. Only one Userid/Password is now required for users who have access to any combination of the following access levels: Contract Data Entry, Assessing Official Representative, Assessing Official, and Reviewing Official.Users are allowed to return to and from View/Print CPAR back to data input screens without returning to Main Menu. The Senior Contractor Representative To-Do List includes report date, due date, and access to Contractor Representative's phone, FAX, and email address. The Focal Point's phone number, FAX number, and email address are available from the status reports.A Processing Times Metrics Report has been added to the Focal Point, Command Point of Contact, and Senior Command Official levels. The contract registration process include: Block 15, Key Subcontractors and Description of Effort. Block 16, Program Title and Phase of Acquisition. Block 17, Contract Effort Description. These are not mandatory at contract registration. The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code is now a required field. It must be a six position number. A lookup is provided.The DUNS Number is now a required field. It must be a nine or thirteen position number. A lookup is provided.The Assessing Official cannot send a CPAR to a Contractor when a Contractor name and email address has not been entered in the system for the specific contract/order.The Assessing Official's recommendation has been updated to reflect a gender neutral statement.A pop-up warning appears to the Assessing Official when he or she attempts to finalize a CPAR that has partially completed Contractor comments. The warning recommends that the Assessing Official contact the contractor and advises if the CPAR is finalized, the partially completed comments will be deleted.Partially completed Contractor comments will be deleted if the contractor had 30 days to comment and the CPAR was not returned to the Assessing Official. As noted above, the Assessing Official shall receive a warning when accessing a CPAR to be finalized and contractor comments are partially completed. Contractor Comments, Block 22, shall be annotated by CPARS that the contractor did not comment within 30 days.The Contractor transmittal letter has been updated to explain that partially completed Contractor comments will be deleted after the 30 day review period and when a CPAR is not returned to the Assessing Official.All applicable To-Do lists will identify a new status--that a contractor has started entering comments.To prevent loss of data, a warning message now alerts users to save changes to their updated user profile before returning to the Main Menu.The past rating column now includes the trends (+/-) in addition to the ratings. The CPARS Quality Checklist is now available within the CPARS application by simply clicking on any of the on-line help. The checklist is also available for printing at the CPARS web site.The Due Date now calculates the same for both the CPAR and Contract Status Reports. An automatic email notification will be sent to the Assessing Official and Focal Point if a contractor does not complete a review within the allotted 30 daysThe following email notification for Reviewing Officials has been changed from mandatory to optional: Notify me when the CPAR has been completed by the Assessing Official/Reviewing Official. The weekly email notifications to the Focal Points now include the Assessing Official's name and email address. The weekly email notifications to the Assessing Officials and Focal Points now include company name.All To-Do lists include a Required Since column to identify the date the item is assigned for action.A Welcoming Letter is now provided to new Focal Points to provide useful information about CPARS. The Focal Point is allowed to include an unlimited number of Assessing Officials and Reviewing Officials when creating matrix.The Focal Point is allowed to delete a user after transferring access from one user to another.The Focal Point has the ability to see whether an access matrix has been completed for a specific contract.The Focal Point is allowed to view their user's profile information (phone, FAX, email address, etc.) when they select View Existing User Access.The Focal Point can now View Existing User Access by contract number, user name, or all.The Focal Point is allowed to enter a new user's email address when transferring access to a new user. The Focal Point has an option to override the automatic email notification to the Assessing Official on CPARS coming due.The Focal Point is allowed to delete a registered contract provided no CPARs have been initiated/completed for the contract.The field size of Contract Number has been increased to 15 characters.The field size of Contract Order Number has been increased to 19 characters.The PM/Assessing Official level is now referred to Assessing Official. Reference to PM has been removed.The Command Point of Contact (CPARA) is allowed to assign multiple APMs to a Senior Command Official (CPARB).The Contractor Comments, Block 22, will now include the contractor's concurrence statement.The Clear all Data option has been removed from data entry screens to prevent inadvertent loss of data.The placement of the Save Data and Send buttons have been switched to minimize the chance of sending the CPAR to the next step too early. Clarified how the Assessing Official Narrative, Block 20, should be used.
      CPARS on-line help has been updated.
      The size of the Contract Effort Description, Block 17, has been increased from 2000 to 3000 characters.
      A Save feature has been added to the Contract Data Entry (Contract Registration) Level.
      A search by Company Name has been added to the Contract Registration Process.
      Added a statement before the Assessing Official Narrative and Contractor Representative comments blocks indicating there is a 16,000 character limit.
      The Contract Completion Date is now a required field.
      The Contract Percent Complete is now optional and can be 'n/a.'
      The Report Type, Block 2, will no longer be prefilled.
      There are now hyperlinks provided in all email notifications so the recipient, upon receipt, can easily access CPARS.
      The due date and period of performance has been added to the automatic email notifications.
      An automatic email will be provided to the Assessing Official(s) after 30 days indicating whether or not the contractor has accessed the CPAR.
      The Assessing Official now has an option to receive a copy of the Contractor transmittal letter. Default is to have copy sent.
      An automatic email will be sent to the Assessing Official and Focal Point when a CPAR is not completed within the 120 day period.
      The Senior Command Official is allowed to receive an email notification for CPARs that are due.
      CPARS will now identify the Assessing Official's commercial vice DSN phone number in the Contractor transmittal letter.
      The Contract Award and Current Contract Dollar Values have been added to the status reports.
      The Date Due from Contractor and Assessing Official Date have been added the status reports.
      The Assessing Official's Code (office symbol) from block 21 is now available on the status reports.
      A new phase, Registered, is included in the CPAR Status Report.
      Assessing Official Representatives, Assessing Officials, and Focal Points are allowed to type in comments on the CPAR Status Report. Just click on Remarks to open the comment field.
      Provided To-Do list, that includes sort by Assessing Official, for Senior Command Official
      Added continued.. to fields that roll over to additional pages.
      The DD Form Numbers have been included on the forms.
      The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS)Code now prints on the forms.
      For modified CPARs, the contractor comments stay with the Original CPAR and are no longer included in the modified.
      For modified CPARs, all the original ratings and narratives are now sent to PPIRS along with the modified CPAR.
    • A new field DSN phone Number is included on the user profile screen. Not Applicable to Contractor and Senior Contractor Representatives.

    CPARS September 5, 2001 release.   Top

    The current version of CPARS was released on September 5, 2001.  This version implements the following enhancements and fixes to problems:

    • Add Cage lookup for subcontractors on data entry forms
    • Modify the contract status report to permit review of registered contracts
    • Add "to do" list feature to Senior Command Official (CPARB) level
    • Add summary total and Contractor name for any list reports
    • Add DUNS look up feature on data entry forms
    • Change screen color when a report has been clicked on
    • Add "CPAR overdue" to status report
    • Modify block 16 to 100 characters for Program Name, allow sorts
    • Add block for Contracting Office code
    • Add "final CPAR" when applicable
    • Add heading for what colors are on data entry forms; i.e., red-unsatisfactory…
    • Add required date tracking for future processing time metrics
    • Add help to contract registration screens
    • Add Final as a status to the Contract Status Report
    • Add CAGE Code as a qualifier on To-Do List and Status Reports for Senior Contractor (CPAR5) level
    • Add Text Search for Source Selection
    • Add the User's Network Address to the menu screen
    • Keep a log of all sessions
    • Don't allow dashes to be entered in the Contract Number of the CPAR Menu
    • Link Business Sectors/sub-sectors (Block 4b) to the DOD Guide definitions on data entry screens
    • Add "Fuels" to list of Business Sectors for Services/IT/Operations Support form
    • Increase the number of program manager reps in the access matrix from four to ten
    • When entering a completed CPAR by Focal Point, make Reviewing Official fields optional
    • Add warning on data entry screens that changes will be lost when "Return to Main Menu" is selected
    • Fix data entry screens so that the "...exceeded the character limit" message does not repeat
    • Use only one userid for each user with the same role and different focal points
    • Add more "other area" rating sections at the end of the rating sections (from three to five)
    • Change date format from MM/DD/YY to MM/DD/YYYY
    • Change contract award date (Block 8) to contract start date
    • Recommend adding "Total Estimated value" to Block 11 (Awarded dollar value)
    • Remove Source Selection Feedback Option
    • Add a block for country after city, state, zip code for foreign vendors
    • Add a block for the PM/Assessing Official Reps name after contract officer

    CPARS March 28, 2001 release.   Top

    The following enhancements and fixes to problems were implemented on March 28, 2001:

    • The CPAR Status Report has been modified to provide the following enhancements:
      - Changed the PM status level, from Initiated to Drafted and Added a status level for the PM Rep, Initiated
      - Added CPAR Status Report to the Senior Contractor level
      - Added Contract Number and CPAR Phase to the report qualifiers
      - Added new data fields, dollar value, CPAR Phase to the list report and allow users to select which data fields are included in the report.
      - Added more sort fields to list report
      - On the count report, the Focal Point name is displayed instead of the Userid
    • An option has been added to the Status Reports qualifier screens to allow the reports to be saved as PDF files.
    • A new Contract Status report has been added to the application. The purpose of this report is to show the current CPAR status for each Contract registered in the system for which the user has some responsibility.
    • A To-Do List feature has been added to the Focal Point menu. This feature allows them to list outstanding tasks for all users they have added to the system.
    • A To-Do List feature has been added to the Senior Contractor menu. This feature allows them to list outstanding tasks for all Contractor Representatives for contracts with their CAGE Codes.
    • Users involved in the CPAR data entry process can now receive email notifications for each step in the CPAR process by selecting notification preferences on the user profile screen.
    • Improved access matrix options by adding the ability to transfer access from one user to another and to, modify access by user or contract number.
    • The Reviewing Official fields are now optional for the Focal Point data entry of completed CPARs for which the Contractor concurred with the ratings.
    • A new optional field, NAICS code, has been added to the data entry forms. The NAICS Code will be replacing the SIC Codes that are currently used. During the transition both fields will be available on the data entry forms.
    • After the Initial CPAR has been completed, blocks 15-17 will now be pre-loaded for follow-on CPARS, in addition to the contract information in blocks 1-14.
    • Additional sort options have been added to the Source Selection View CPAR qualifiers screen.
    • Additional sort options have been added to the Senior Contractor View Completed CPARs qualifiers screen.
    • The Contract Registration screen has been modified to allow the user to select the DoD Business Sector and then the Business Subsector.
      When incomplete CPARs are viewed, the header will contain the current status of the CPAR. 
    • The PM/Assessing Official, Contractor Representative and Reviewing Official dates are now generated by the CPAR system.
    • A new Feedback feature has been added to allow users to provide comments and suggestions.
    • PM/Assessing Officials can now return A CPAR in process to the PM/Assessing Official Representatives prior to completing the rating for a CPAR.
    • PM/Assessing Officials and Focal Points will now receive an email notification when the CPAR is due to begin for a Contract.
    • Contractor Representatives will now receive the transmittal letter via email to notify them that they have an action to respond when a CPAR has been rated by the PM/Assessing Official.
    • The Authorization matrix now has an optional email address for new users. Focal Points can include the email address, if known, when creating users so that They will receive notifications even if they have never logged on.
    • Allow PM/Assessing Official to save the CPAR and finish later during the modification of ratings.
    • Modified the application screen to add color to the menus.

    CPARS March 16, 2000 release.   Top

    The following enhancements and fixes to problems were implemented on March 16, 2000:

    • Reviewing Official step will now be conditional/optional.  If the Program Manager/Assessing Official and the contractor agree on ratings, the Program Manager may now close the CPAR based on this agreement.  The Reviewing Official is  notified that a CPAR has been completed but he or she does not have to take any additional actions when there is no disagreement on ratings assigned. If an activity or organization chooses not to implement this feature, the program manager may still forward all reports to the Reviewing Official for action. 
    • Electronic e-mail notification has been implemented.  E-mails are automatically generated at the Program Manager Representative, Program Manager, Defense Contractor, and Reviewing Official levels when their required actions are complete. When each CPAR is completed, an e-mail notification is also sent to the Focal Point.

    • A "To Do" list has been added at the Program Manager Representative, Program Manager, Defense Contractor, and Reviewing Official level.  When an individual logs on to the system, he or she can simply check their "To Do" list to see actions that are required.

    • Defense Contractor Senior Management access level has been added.  This will allow corporate-level managers to view all CPARS that pertain to their corporate entity.  The selection filter is based on CAGE code and contractors will only be able to view CPARS for CAGE codes assigned to their corporate entities.

    • The Status Report List of Contracts has been modified to include the Focal Point for each CPAR.

    • The "Save Data and Finish Later" (partial save feature) has been improved to allow saving at almost any point after the contract number and Period of Performance information has been added.  This feature has been incorporated at all levels except initial contract data entry. When information is partially saved, that action remains on the individual's "To Do" list as an incomplete action.

    • Application screens have been redesigned to make the application more intuitive.  Menus and buttons have better descriptions for the actions they perform. 

    • Color ratings assigned to Systems and Ship Repair and Overhaul CPARS have been changed from "Blue" to "Dark Blue" and "Gold" to "Purple" to be consistent with the Common DOD Assessment Rating System.

    • Program Manager Representatives may now "View CPARS" and access the CPAR Status Reports.

    CPARS August 17, 1999 release.   Top

    The following enhancements and fixes to problems were implemented on August 17, 1999:

    • The Source Selection view function has been enhanced to add more search options including: contract number, business sector/subsector, cage code, DUNs, FSC, SIC, and company name/state.
    • The CPARS Status Report has been enhanced to allow greater flexibility, including two report styles, a Summary Report with Counts and a List of CPARS.  On both report styles options are available to limit the data included on the report.
    • Location of Performance (block 6) has been increased to 300 characters.
    • Changed Contract Type (block 14) Mixed: to Mixed/Other:
    • Added Out of Cycle to Report Type.
    • Added help for the Ratings and Trends in block 18 of the CPARs data entry forms.
    • Added a new access level for Senior Command Official (or Designated Representative), who manages acquisition of major programs, products or services (i.e, Program Executive Officer, Command Directorate Deputy, Direct Reporting Program Manager (DRPM), Field Activity C.O.).  This access level allows Senior Command Officials to view status reports and CPARS pertaining to their program or activity.  This access is controlled by the Command/POC or CPARS Management Board Member.
    • Added Senior Command Official access matrix to SYSCOM/USMC POC or CPARS Management Board Member level.  This allows them to grant Senior Command Official access as discussed above.
    • Added Contract Data Entry to the Focal Point access.
    • Changed the way CPARs saved by the Focal Point are stored in the database so that they are now counted on Status  Report as initiated.

    CPARS January 12, 1999 release.   Top

    The following enhancements and fixes to problems were implemented on January 12, 1999:
    • CPAR Forms are now viewed as Acrobat PDF files:
      PowerBuilder plugin is no longer used.
      Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view/print forms.
      This resolves scrolling problems with the plugin.
      Macintosh users can now view/print using Acrobat Reader.
    • The following changes have been made to the narrative fields:
      Program Manager and Contractor increased from 8,000 to 16,000 characters each.
      Reviewing Official increased from 2,000 to 16,000 characters.
      Program Manager and Contractor are now separated by ratings in block 18.
      Block 18 headers are automatically printed for narratives.
      Improved the format of narratives on output forms.
    • Contractor organization and code increased to 60 characters.
    • Added registered contracts to the status reports.
    • Added FSC and SIC lookup capability to the data entry screen.
    • Period of performance dates can now be updated.
    • Reviewing Official can now view CPARS.
    • Removed edits from variance fields.
    • Added a new security access level to provide status reports for SYSCOM point of contacts.

    CPARS September 22, 1998 release.   Top

    The following enhancements and fixes to problems were implemented on September 22, 1998:
    • Added the capability to delete a user via the focal point access matrix.
    • The focal point can now view userids and initial passwords that they have added.
    • Added the Acquisition Program Manager field to the data entry screens.
    • Added a Program Manager feedback screen for statistics.
    • Added the following Source Selection functionality:
      Procuring Contract Officer access
      Source Selection Board access
      View CPARS by Cage Code and/or FSC
      Source Selection feedback screen for statistics
      Logging of all source selection access to CPARS

    CPARS July 21, 1998 release.   Top

    The following enhancements and fixes to problems were implemented on July 21, 1998:
    • Fixed a problem caused by double quotes in narrative fields. Double quotes are now automatically replaced by single quotes.
    • A problem with the output format of narratives on printed forms has been resolved.
    • The Contract Type CPAF field was being checked erroneously on printed output. This problem has been resolved.
    • We have implemented a 90-day password expiration feature.
    • A CPAR Status Report feature has been added to the menus for the Focal Point, Reviewing Official, Contractor and the Program Manager.
    • The capability to add CPARS for the same contract numbers with different contract order numbers has been added.
    • Allow program manager to view completed CPARs
    • Increased the number of data entry fields for contract numbers on the focal point access matrix from 4 to 10.
    • Added a verification screen to the focal point access matrix process, prior to the generation of the userids.
    • Established a cage code lookup capability to the data entry screens.
    • Focal Points that have CPAR responsibilty for contracts, whose UIC is listed in another Command, can now process those CPARS by notifying the CPARS Help Desk of the requirement.
    • The program manager can now pass a CPAR to the reviewing official if the contractor hasn't responded within 30 days.
    • Added a feature to allow focal points to save the data entered while inputting a completed CPAR and return to complete the CPAR at a later time.
    • CPARS output forms now have a status in the upper left corner of the form to indicate if the CPAR is an "initial rating" or if it is "incomplete".
    • Archived (initial ratings) CPARS can now be viewed and printed.
    • Users performing data entry of a CPAR are notified when the limit is reached on the number of characters in the narrative fields.

    CPARS April 1998 release.   Top

    • Baseline - Initial Release


CPARS September 5, 2001 release.   Top

The current version of CPARS was released on September 5, 2001.  This version implements the following enhancements and fixes to problems:

  • Add Cage lookup for subcontractors on data entry forms
  • Modify the contract status report to permit review of registered contracts
  • Add "to do" list feature to Senior Command Official (CPARB) level
  • Add summary total and Contractor name for any list reports
  • Add DUNS look up feature on data entry forms
  • Change screen color when a report has been clicked on
  • Add "CPAR overdue" to status report
  • Modify block 16 to 100 characters for Program Name, allow sorts
  • Add block for Contracting Office code
  • Add "final CPAR" when applicable
  • Add heading for what colors are on data entry forms; i.e., red-unsatisfactory…
  • Add required date tracking for future processing time metrics
  • Add help to contract registration screens
  • Add Final as a status to the Contract Status Report
  • Add CAGE Code as a qualifier on To-Do List and Status Reports for Senior Contractor (CPAR5) level
  • Add Text Search for Source Selection
  • Add the User's Network Address to the menu screen
  • Keep a log of all sessions
  • Don't allow dashes to be entered in the Contract Number of the CPAR Menu
  • Link Business Sectors/sub-sectors (Block 4b) to the DOD Guide definitions on data entry screens
  • Add "Fuels" to list of Business Sectors for Services/IT/Operations Support form
  • Increase the number of program manager reps in the access matrix from four to ten
  • When entering a completed CPAR by Focal Point, make Reviewing Official fields optional
  • Add warning on data entry screens that changes will be lost when "Return to Main Menu" is selected
  • Fix data entry screens so that the "...exceeded the character limit" message does not repeat
  • Use only one userid for each user with the same role and different focal points
  • Add more "other area" rating sections at the end of the rating sections (from three to five)
  • Change date format from MM/DD/YY to MM/DD/YYYY
  • Change contract award date (Block 8) to contract start date
  • Recommend adding "Total Estimated value" to Block 11 (Awarded dollar value)
  • Remove Source Selection Feedback Option
  • Add a block for country after city, state, zip code for foreign vendors
  • Add a block for the PM/Assessing Official Reps name after contract officer

CPARS March 28, 2001 release.   Top

The following enhancements and fixes to problems were implemented on March 28, 2001:

  • The CPAR Status Report has been modified to provide the following enhancements:
    - Changed the PM status level, from Initiated to Drafted and Added a status level for the PM Rep, Initiated
    - Added CPAR Status Report to the Senior Contractor level
    - Added Contract Number and CPAR Phase to the report qualifiers
    - Added new data fields, dollar value, CPAR Phase to the list report and allow users to select which data fields are included in the report.
    - Added more sort fields to list report
    - On the count report, the Focal Point name is displayed instead of the Userid
  • An option has been added to the Status Reports qualifier screens to allow the reports to be saved as PDF files.
  • A new Contract Status report has been added to the application. The purpose of this report is to show the current CPAR status for each Contract registered in the system for which the user has some responsibility.
  • A To-Do List feature has been added to the Focal Point menu. This feature allows them to list outstanding tasks for all users they have added to the system.
  • A To-Do List feature has been added to the Senior Contractor menu. This feature allows them to list outstanding tasks for all Contractor Representatives for contracts with their CAGE Codes.
  • Users involved in the CPAR data entry process can now receive email notifications for each step in the CPAR process by selecting notification preferences on the user profile screen.
  • Improved access matrix options by adding the ability to transfer access from one user to another and to, modify access by user or contract number.
  • The Reviewing Official fields are now optional for the Focal Point data entry of completed CPARs for which the Contractor concurred with the ratings.
  • A new optional field, NAICS code, has been added to the data entry forms. The NAICS Code will be replacing the SIC Codes that are currently used. During the transition both fields will be available on the data entry forms.
  • After the Initial CPAR has been completed, blocks 15-17 will now be pre-loaded for follow-on CPARS, in addition to the contract information in blocks 1-14.
  • Additional sort options have been added to the Source Selection View CPAR qualifiers screen.
  • Additional sort options have been added to the Senior Contractor View Completed CPARs qualifiers screen.
  • The Contract Registration screen has been modified to allow the user to select the DoD Business Sector and then the Business Subsector.
  • When incomplete CPARs are viewed, the header will contain the current status of the CPAR. 
  • The PM/Assessing Official, Contractor Representative and Reviewing Official dates are now generated by the CPAR system.
  • A new Feedback feature has been added to allow users to provide comments and suggestions.
  • PM/Assessing Officials can now return A CPAR in process to the PM/Assessing Official Representatives prior to completing the rating for a CPAR.
  • PM/Assessing Officials and Focal Points will now receive an email notification when the CPAR is due to begin for a Contract.
  • Contractor Representatives will now receive the transmittal letter via email to notify them that they have an action to respond when a CPAR has been rated by the PM/Assessing Official.
  • The Authorization matrix now has an optional email address for new users. Focal Points can include the email address, if known, when creating users so that They will receive notifications even if they have never logged on.
  • Allow PM/Assessing Official to save the CPAR and finish later during the modification of ratings.
  • Modified the application screen to add color to the menus.

CPARS March 16, 2000 release.   Top

The following enhancements and fixes to problems were implemented on March 16, 2000:

  • Reviewing Official step will now be conditional/optional.  If the Program Manager/Assessing Official and the contractor agree on ratings, the Program Manager may now close the CPAR based on this agreement.  The Reviewing Official is  notified that a CPAR has been completed but he or she does not have to take any additional actions when there is no disagreement on ratings assigned. If an activity or organization chooses not to implement this feature, the program manager may still forward all reports to the Reviewing Official for action. 
  • Electronic e-mail notification has been implemented.  E-mails are automatically generated at the Program Manager Representative, Program Manager, Defense Contractor, and Reviewing Official levels when their required actions are complete. When each CPAR is completed, an e-mail notification is also sent to the Focal Point.

  • A "To Do" list has been added at the Program Manager Representative, Program Manager, Defense Contractor, and Reviewing Official level.  When an individual logs on to the system, he or she can simply check their "To Do" list to see actions that are required.

  • Defense Contractor Senior Management access level has been added.  This will allow corporate-level managers to view all CPARS that pertain to their corporate entity.  The selection filter is based on CAGE code and contractors will only be able to view CPARS for CAGE codes assigned to their corporate entities.

  • The Status Report List of Contracts has been modified to include the Focal Point for each CPAR.

  • The "Save Data and Finish Later" (partial save feature) has been improved to allow saving at almost any point after the contract number and Period of Performance information has been added.  This feature has been incorporated at all levels except initial contract data entry. When information is partially saved, that action remains on the individual's "To Do" list as an incomplete action.

  • Application screens have been redesigned to make the application more intuitive.  Menus and buttons have better descriptions for the actions they perform. 

  • Color ratings assigned to Systems and Ship Repair and Overhaul CPARS have been changed from "Blue" to "Dark Blue" and "Gold" to "Purple" to be consistent with the Common DOD Assessment Rating System.

  • Program Manager Representatives may now "View CPARS" and access the CPAR Status Reports.

CPARS August 17, 1999 release.   Top

The following enhancements and fixes to problems were implemented on August 17, 1999:

  • The Source Selection view function has been enhanced to add more search options including: contract number, business sector/subsector, cage code, DUNs, FSC, SIC, and company name/state.
  • The CPARS Status Report has been enhanced to allow greater flexibility, including two report styles, a Summary Report with Counts and a List of CPARS.  On both report styles options are available to limit the data included on the report.
  • Location of Performance (block 6) has been increased to 300 characters.
  • Changed Contract Type (block 14) Mixed: to Mixed/Other:
  • Added Out of Cycle to Report Type.
  • Added help for the Ratings and Trends in block 18 of the CPARs data entry forms.
  • Added a new access level for Senior Command Official (or Designated Representative), who manages acquisition of major programs, products or services (i.e, Program Executive Officer, Command Directorate Deputy, Direct Reporting Program Manager (DRPM), Field Activity C.O.).  This access level allows Senior Command Officials to view status reports and CPARS pertaining to their program or activity.  This access is controlled by the Command/POC or CPARS Management Board Member.
  • Added Senior Command Official access matrix to SYSCOM/USMC POC or CPARS Management Board Member level.  This allows them to grant Senior Command Official access as discussed above.
  • Added Contract Data Entry to the Focal Point access.
  • Changed the way CPARs saved by the Focal Point are stored in the database so that they are now counted on Status  Report as initiated.

CPARS January 12, 1999 release.   Top

The following enhancements and fixes to problems were implemented on January 12, 1999:
  • CPAR Forms are now viewed as Acrobat PDF files:
    PowerBuilder plugin is no longer used.
    Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view/print forms.
    This resolves scrolling problems with the plugin.
    Macintosh users can now view/print using Acrobat Reader.
  • The following changes have been made to the narrative fields:
    Program Manager and Contractor increased from 8,000 to 16,000 characters each.
    Reviewing Official increased from 2,000 to 16,000 characters.
    Program Manager and Contractor are now separated by ratings in block 18.
    Block 18 headers are automatically printed for narratives.
    Improved the format of narratives on output forms.
  • Contractor organization and code increased to 60 characters.
  • Added registered contracts to the status reports.
  • Added FSC and SIC lookup capability to the data entry screen.
  • Period of performance dates can now be updated.
  • Reviewing Official can now view CPARS.
  • Removed edits from variance fields.
  • Added a new security access level to provide status reports for SYSCOM point of contacts.

CPARS September 22, 1998 release.   Top

The following enhancements and fixes to problems were implemented on September 22, 1998:
  • Added the capability to delete a user via the focal point access matrix.
  • The focal point can now view userids and initial passwords that they have added.
  • Added the Acquisition Program Manager field to the data entry screens.
  • Added a Program Manager feedback screen for statistics.
  • Added the following Source Selection functionality:
    Procuring Contract Officer access
    Source Selection Board access
    View CPARS by Cage Code and/or FSC
    Source Selection feedback screen for statistics
    Logging of all source selection access to CPARS

CPARS July 21, 1998 release.   Top

The following enhancements and fixes to problems were implemented on July 21, 1998:
  • Fixed a problem caused by double quotes in narrative fields. Double quotes are now automatically replaced by single quotes.
  • A problem with the output format of narratives on printed forms has been resolved.
  • The Contract Type CPAF field was being checked erroneously on printed output. This problem has been resolved.
  • We have implemented a 90-day password expiration feature.
  • A CPAR Status Report feature has been added to the menus for the Focal Point, Reviewing Official, Contractor and the Program Manager.
  • The capability to add CPARS for the same contract numbers with different contract order numbers has been added.
  • Allow program manager to view completed CPARs
  • Increased the number of data entry fields for contract numbers on the focal point access matrix from 4 to 10.
  • Added a verification screen to the focal point access matrix process, prior to the generation of the userids.
  • Established a cage code lookup capability to the data entry screens.
  • Focal Points that have CPAR responsibilty for contracts, whose UIC is listed in another Command, can now process those CPARS by notifying the CPARS Help Desk of the requirement.
  • The program manager can now pass a CPAR to the reviewing official if the contractor hasn't responded within 30 days.
  • Added a feature to allow focal points to save the data entered while inputting a completed CPAR and return to complete the CPAR at a later time.
  • CPARS output forms now have a status in the upper left corner of the form to indicate if the CPAR is an "initial rating" or if it is "incomplete".
  • Archived (initial ratings) CPARS can now be viewed and printed.
  • Users performing data entry of a CPAR are notified when the limit is reached on the number of characters in the narrative fields.

CPARS April 1998 release.   Top

  • Baseline - Initial Release
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Last Updated: Tuesday, April 24, 2012

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