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Awards Data 2001

Seven awards were made by the Research on Research Integrity (RRI) Program in response to 24 applications received.  The awards were supported by the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), and ORI.

PI (publications*)InstitutionGrant Abstract
*Lisa A. BeroUniversity of California-San FranciscoManagement Decisions in Financial Conflicts of Interest
*Eric G. CampbellMassachusetts General HospitalData Sharing and Data Withholding among Trainees in Science
*William P. GardnerUniversity of PittsburghResearch Integrity in Pharmacological Clinical Trials
*Gerald P. KoocherChildren's Hospital, BostonPerceived Organizational Justice in Scientific Dishonesty
*Brain C. MartinsonHealth Partners Research Foundation, MinnesotaWork-Strain, Career Course and Research Integrity
*Yuan-I-MinJohn Hopkins UniversityQuality Assurance and Data in Clinical Trials
*Michael D. MumfrodUniversity of OklahomaOraganization Infliences on Scientific Integrity

*Links to publications resulting from the work funded by the grant.


