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Dr. Coburn filed the following amendments to the Small Business Jobs and Tax Relief Act, S. 2237.


#2536__Prohibiting tax evaders from receiving government assistance, including tax credits, grants, contracts, and loans.  For additional background on this amendment, click here.

#2534__Prohibiting millionaires from receiving certain tax breaks.  As exposed in Senator Coburns report,Subsidies of the Rich and Famous, the average amount of tax breaks claimed by millionaires is $28.5 billion every year.  This amendment would pay for the $28 billion cost of S. 2230 by eliminating the following tax breaks for millionaires:  the mortgage interest deduction, rental expenses deduction, gambling loss deduction, cancelled debt deduction, electric vehicle credit, childcare tax credit, and the renewable energy credit.  For additional background on this amendment, click here.

#2535__Requiring Higher Income Americans to Pay More for their Share of Medicare Parts B&D.  For additional background on this amendment, click here.

#2537__Repealing the Obamacare Health Insurance Tax, which will increase premiums by $500 per family.  For additional background on this amendment, click here.

Date Title
7/31/12 Dr. Coburn's Amendments to the Cybersecurity Bill
7/12/12 Current record