Right Now

This week the Senate will consider H.R. 4851, the Continuing Extension Act of 2010, which would extend a number of federal programs for one month, including unemployment insurance payments. The cost of this bill is $9.15 billion, a cost that will be borne by the next generation. The national debt is now more than $12.6 trillion, and despite PAYGO promises to pay for all legislation and add not one dime to the debt, Congress continues to spend recklessly, racking up a more than $1.3 trillion deficit. Congress must pay for this $9 billion bill by decreasing spending elsewhere in the budget.

To read Dr. Coburn’s hold letter on the Extensions Bill H.R. 4851 click here.

To view additional background on the Extensions Bill click here.

To view the amendment text to the Extensions Bill click here.

To view the executive summary for the Extensions Bill click here.

To view previous extensions passed by Congress click here.