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The State Data Program (SDP) supports NHTSA’s efforts to identify traffic safety problems, help develop and implement vehicle and driver countermeasures, evaluate motor vehicle standards, and to study crash avoidance issues, crashworthiness issues, and regulations. The State Data Program provides essential crash information detail that complements national data collection programs such as FARS and NASS GES. Crash data can be linked to other traffic records and injury outcome data to generate information about the environment of the crash and the medical and financial outcome of persons injured in the crash.

Consequently, other components of the State Data Program work to enhance the quality and utility of these crash data. These efforts include:

Providing analytic support to NHTSA programs using state crash data;
Providing states with technical assistance, and offering guidance on standardized reporting procedures, e.g., the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC);
Encouraging states to develop statewide data for a Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (CODES); and
Providing resources through the CODES Data Network project for NHTSA’s analysts to obtain access to an ever-increasing inventory of state-specific crash outcome data.
The State Data Program’s objective is to fully develop the analytic potential of all state data of relevance to highway safety. Currently, NCSA is expanding its capabilities to include more states in the program as well as taking steps to improve PAR quality and uniformity.

CODES, MMUCC and the State Data System are component of the SDP.


The FARS project using state based data is not considered a component of the State Data Program.