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Navigate Up - Track the Money is the U.S. government's official website that provides easy access to data
related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

The Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board

 Advisory Panel

The President appointed the four members of the Recovery Independent Advisory Panel on March 5, 2010. The panel's mission is to recommend ways to the Recovery Board to find and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse in the Recovery program.  


Chris Sale

Chris Sale is vice president for Development Finance at CHF International where she provides guidance and informs policy for the CHF International's micro-enterprise, housing finance, and small-to medium-enterprise lending programs. Ms. Sale has more than 20 years experience in finance and development, having served as the deputy advisor for External Relations for the Inter-American Development Bank, deputy to the chairman and CFO of the FDIC, COO of the U.S. Small Business Administration, among other positions.

She is currently a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration, and the Finance and Investment Chair for the National Partnership for Women and Families. She received an MBA from American University and completed her undergraduate work at Boston University.

 Chris Sale

“I look forward to bringing my experience in public and private sector management in the finance arena to bear in this important assignment.”

Malcolm Sparrow 

"Probably the most relevant part of my own background for this is my work on fraud and abuse control, as well as operational risk-management methods, more generally."

Malcolm K. Sparrow

Malcolm K. Sparrow is a professor of the Practice of Public Management at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, where he taught since 1988. Before joining the Harvard faculty, Dr. Sparrow served 10 years with the British Police Service, rising to the rank of Detective Chief Inspector.

At Harvard, he has focused on the risk management challenges faced by regulatory and law enforcement agencies. Dr. Sparrow is the author of  several books and has worked closely with U.S. and overseas regulators on issues including crime, terrorism, corruption, fraud, environmental protection, safety management, and regulatory compliance.

He holds a Ph.D in applied mathematics from the University of Kent in Canterbury, England, a MPA from the Kennedy School, and a M.A. in mathematics from Cambridge University.


Steven Koch retired from the Advisory Panel in May 2012.


Edward Tufte retired from the Advisory Panel in January 2013. 

To contact the Advisory Panel, email

Public MeetingS

The Advisory Panel has held two public meetings, during which Panel members were briefed by Board staff, numerous federal agency staff, and a number of state Recovery officials on actions relating to the prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse of Recovery funds.

On August 5, 2010, a public meeting in Boston was conducted with the Advisory Panel.  The minutes from the meeting along with the presentations can be found below.


On January 25, 2011, a public meeting in Annapolis, Maryland was conducted with the Advisory Panel. The presentations can be found below.

At the public meetings, the Panel considered and discussed a number of recommendations, which the Board addressed on and with the Inspector General community.