Communications and Congressional Liaison

Mr. Brett A. Mansfield, Acting Assistant Inspector General


To keep the Congress and senior DoD personnel fully and currently informed of significant problems, innovative alternatives and the status of improvement efforts associated with programs and operations of the Department.


The OCCL telephone number for Congressional inquiries is (703) 604-8324.


  • Coordinating responses to congressional inquiries
  • Receiving, tracking and responding to congressional correspondence
  • Preparing and publishing the DoD IG’s Semiannual Report to Congress as required by the Inspector General Act of 1978 (as amended)
  • Monitoring legislation involving the DoD IG
  • Assisting in the preparation of congressional testimony
  • Coordinating and preparing briefings for members of Congress and professional staff members
  • Assisting professional staff members with researching issues relating to the DoD IG
  • Managing the DoD Hotline Program
  • Promoting whistleblowing and transparency
  • Responding to media inquiries and requests
  • Managing the DoD IG Web program
  • Assisting in the preparation of speeches
  • Managing the DoD IG FOIA program
  • Managing the DoD IG Privacy Act program
  • Maintaining, updating and revising the Strategic Plan for the DoD IG
  • Planning and coordinating the monthly Defense Council on Integrity and Efficiency meetings