Glen Morgan

Glen Morgan , PhD

Program Director
Tobacco Control Research Branch (TCRB)
Behavioral Research Program (BRP)

Research Area: Nicotine Addiction, Smoking Cessation and Treatment, Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers

Glen Morgan joined the Tobacco Control Research Branch (TCRB) within the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in 1998 as a Clinical Psychologist and Program Director. He received his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Washington University in St. Louis (1998). Prior to joining NIH, he was the Director of Behavioral Sciences and Research at the Wyoming Valley Family Practice Residency and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the Milton Hershey College of Medicine of the Pennsylvania State University for 14 years.

Dr. Morgan was the lead Program Official for the Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers (P50) since their inception in 1999 and co-directed NCI's Tobacco Intervention Research Clinic. Programmatically, he oversees a portfolio of research grants focusing on etiology of tobacco use and adult treatment interventions. Dr. Morgan's research has centered on smoking interventions in primary care, cessation among chronically diseased patients, and interdisciplinary research in the treatment of tobacco use and nicotine addiction.

Secondary Branch Appointment:  Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch (HCIRB)

Selected Publications and Presentations

Moser, R. P., Hesse, B., Shaikh, A., Courtney, P., Morgan, G., Augustson, E., Levin, K., Helba, C., Garner, D., Dunn, M., & Coa, K. The Grid-Enabled Measures (GEM) Database: A research tool to facilitate the use of standardized measures and sharing harmonized data (In-press 2010). Am J Prev Med .

Morgan, G., Backinger, C., Lerman, C., & Vocci, F. Translational Medication Development for Nicotine Dependence: A National Cancer Institute/National Institute on Drug Abuse Conference Report. Am J Health Behav 2010; 34(3):267-274.

Morgan, G., Baker, T., Cummings, M., Hatsukami, D., Johnson, A., Lerman, C., Niaura, R., & O'Malley, S. Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers: Research achievements and future implications. Nicotine Tob Res 2009; 11(10):1231-1244.

Landi, M. T., Consonni, D., Rotunno, M., Bergen, A. W., Goldstein, A. M., Lubin, J. H., Goldin, L., Alavanja, M., Morgan, G., Subar, A. F., Linnoila, I., Previdi, F., Corno, M., Rubagotti, M., Marinelli, B., Albetti, B., Colombi, A., Tucker, M., Wacholder, S., Pesatori, A. C., Caporaso, N. E., & Bertazzi, P. A. Environment And Genetics in Lung cancer Etiology (EAGLE) study: an integrative population-based case-control study of lung cancer. BMC Public Health 2008; 8:203.

Morgan, G. A Clinical Practice Guideline for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update: A U.S. Public Health Service Report. Am J Prev Med 2008; 35(2):158-176.

Last Updated: 11/18/2011 08:25:25