Summer Food Service Program

The Summer Food Service Program provides free breakfasts and lunches to children during the summer months at participating schools, summer camps, churches, and community organizations who are designated by their States as sponsor programs. Some participating programs are connected with supervised activities that children also participate in. 

To find summer meal sites in your area, call 2-1-1 or call your State’s Summer Food Service Program phone number. Find a State’s number by calling 1-866-348-6479 or Visit the program website

Eligible Beneficiaries:

Meals are served to any child age 18 and younger that comes to eat, although some camps and community clubs only serve children enrolled in their activities.

Funding Mechanism:

States receive funds from the USDA's Food and Nutrition Service to administer the Summer Food Service Program in their state. The primary recipients of funding are State education agencies, although some other state agencies may be assigned to administer the program. The State agency approves sponsor applications, conducts training of sponsors, monitors SFSP operations, and processes program payments to schools and community organizations operating the program.