Series DL - Web Content Administrator

Provide support for developing and providing Agency Web-site content that will motivate and satisfy government and civilian users’ needs so that they will regularly access the site and utilize it as a major source for information, decision making and benefits delivery. Provide support for maintaining civil service handbook and policies/procedures on the agency Web; assisting in developing agency newsletter and civilian benefits communications; recommending new and innovative web uses as well as training and educating employees on the use and benefits of using the Web. Provide support in the location and pursuit of content and surveying internal customers to gather feedback for site improvement and enhancements. A working knowledge of several of the following are required: English (or Spanish), Journalism, graphic design or a related field, Web-site management, web servers, intranet site structures, and Web-related software (ex. - MS FrontPage, Dream Weaver, Access, HyperText Markup Language (HTML), and Web 2.0 software such as wikis, portals, and Microsoft Sharepoint).