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Congratulations from the CMLD!

We'd like to congratulate our very own Jon Tunge who has been named a KBA Rising Star.

For details on these achievements and other CMLD news, click here.

The mission of the University of Kansas Center of Excellence in Chemical Methodologies & Library Development (KU CMLD) is to design and synthesize libraries that:
  • utilize new principles of scaffold design (and especially the incorporation of multiple scaffold cores into a single library)
  • are likely to have pharmacological activity based on sound drug design principles, and
  • are likely to have drug-like characteristics.

The work at the KU CMLD Center involves 11 researchers located at the University of Kansas, the University of Missouri-Kansas City, Iowa State University and York University.

Novel synthetic technology is the primary product of our academic research. The KU CMLD accomplishes its mission by combining this new knowledge with standing parallel synthesis capabilities, enabling the production of unique chemical libraries. The specialized expertise and hardware within the KU CMLD translate into cost effectiveness, high quality, timely turnaround and structural diversity. Dedicated staff coupled with versatility and adaptability means the KU CMLD stands ready to adapt synthetic methodology to library production. This wide scope positions the Center to be a source of new and exciting investigational tools for the Chemical Biology research community.

At the KU CMLD, chemistry is the engine of discovery.

We've moved! Click here to view the KU CMLD Center's new home.