National Archives at Atlanta

Resources by State

The resource links below are not lesson plans. They consist of primary sources and a short historical background. They may also contain suggested classroom activities, classroom comments, or guided questions. The purpose of listing these resources is to give the classroom teacher useful primary sources on an educational topic and it is hoped that the teacher will use them in many creative ways.

Alabama- Montgomery Bus Boycott

Alabama- Women in the Work Force During World War II

Florida- Kennedy Space Center (coming soon)

Georgia-From the Roots of a Tree: The Genealogy of Martin Luther King

Georgia -The Atlanta Campaign of 1864: The Camera at War

Kentucky- Aaron Burr’s Trial for Treason (coming soon)

Mississippi-The Mississippi Home Front in World War I: Conserving Food for the War Effort

North Carolina- The Next Step in Aviation: The Wright Brothers Carry the First Passenger 1908

South Carolina- Briggs v. Elliot

Tennessee-The TVA and the Relocation of Mattie Randolph

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