Preschoolers: Ages 3 - 5

Center on Media and Child Health

During the preschool years, children explore the world and their role in it. There are several areas in which to encourage development during the ages of three to five:

  1. Social Skills - Preschool children need to learn skills like sharing, turn-taking, empathy, and compromise. Many of these skills can be learned through activities like dressing up, sharing the playground, and playing games.
  2. Language Skills - Kids of this age are building and refining their vocabularies constantly. In order to encourage this development, kids should engage in conversation with adults and other children. Reading picture books with parents is also important.
  3. Learning About the World - Surely you've heard preschool children constantly ask "Why?" at this age. They are trying to learn more about how the world works. On top of asking questions, children also need to answer questions at this age. Try asking them open-ended questions like "What do you think will happen next?" to learn more about what they are thinking.
  4. Physical Activity - Preschool children are also learning how to use their bodies. They need physical activity to learn motor skills, coordination, speed and balance.
  5. Creative Expression - Kids of this age need to have outlets for expressing themselves creatively through art, music, and pretend play. Provide them the time, space, and materials to work out their ideas.

So how does media fit into these needs of preschoolers?

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